service marketing_chapter2服务市场.ppt

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service marketing_chapter2服务市场

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Theater as a Metaphor for Service Delivery “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances and each man in his time plays many parts” William Shakespeare As You Like It Theatrical Metaphor: An Integrative Perspective Service dramas unfold on a “stage”—settings may change as performance unfolds Many service dramas are tightly scripted, others improvised Front-stage personnel are like members of a cast Like actors, employees have roles, may wear special costumes, speak required lines, behave in specific ways Support comes from a backstage production team Customers are the audience—depending on type of performance, may be passive or active participants Implications of Customer Participation in Service Delivery Greater need for information/training to help customers to perform well, get desired results Customers should be given a realistic service preview in advance of service delivery, so they have a clear picture of their expected role Figure 2.13: Tourists Appreciate Easy-to-Understand Instructions When Traveling Post-Encounter Stage Prepurchase Stage Service Encounter Stage Post-Encounter Stage Post-Encounter Stage: Overview Evaluation of service performance Future intentions Customer Satisfaction Is Central to the Marketing Concept Satisfaction defined as attitude-like judgment following a service purchase or series of service interactions Customers have expectations prior to consumption, observe service performance, compare it to expectations Satisfaction judgments are based on this comparison Positive disconfirmation if better than expected Confirmation if same as expected Negative disconfirmation if worse than expected Satisfaction reflects perceived service quality, price/quality tradeoffs, personal and situational factors Research shows links between customer satisfaction and a firm’s financial performance Customer Delight: Goi


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