汇丰银行HSBC the Hong.ppt

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汇丰银行HSBC the Hong

汇丰银行HSBC (the Hong Kong and Shang Hai Banking Corporation) About HSBC The HSBC Group is one of the worlds largest banking and financial services organisations. The Group has around 10,000 offices in 83 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services through four customer groups and global businesses: Personal Financial Services (including consumer finance); Commercial Banking; Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets; and Private Banking. The HSBC Group Fact Sheet gives an overall view of the Groups global services. Established in Hong Kong in March 1865 and in Shanghai one month later, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation is the founding member of the HSBC Group. It is the Groups flagship in the Asia-Pacific region and the largest bank incorporated in Hong Kong. Fact sheets detailing the Groups operations in Hong Kong and mainland China can be viewed at HSBC Group in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and mainland China. Find out how HSBC fulfills its obligations to customers, shareholders and employees in HSBC Corporate Responsibility Report 2006 (English). 汇丰集团是世界上规模最大的银行及金融服务机构。集团拥有超过10,000个分支机构在83个国家和地区,在欧洲、美洲的亚太、中东和非洲。汇丰银行提供全方位的金融服务客户群及全球四个人金融服务(包括消费融资)、商业银行、公司、投资银行和市场;和私人银行业务。汇丰集团说明书全面观点的集团全球服务。在香港成立于1865年3月份在上海,一个月之后,香港上海汇丰银行正在创办汇丰集团成员。这是该组织的旗舰店在亚太地区最大的银行在香港注册成立。说明书详细的行动小组在香港和中国大陆可以在香港汇丰银行集团在香港特别行政区和中国大陆。找出如何履行其义务,汇丰银行客户、股东、员工的企业责任报告2006年在香港上海汇丰银行。 HSBC bank (China) has HSBC Limited company in April 2007 2 officially opened its head office located in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shanghai banking corporation limited is a wholly owned foreign owned Banks, whose predecessor is Hong Kong and Shanghai banking corporation limited company of China branches. Hong Kong and Shanghai banking corporation limited company in 1865, established in Hong Kong and Shanghai, is the founding member of the HSBC group, and group in Asia Pacific,


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