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包 装 工 程 第 38 卷 第 22 期 246 PACKAGING ENGINEERING 2017 年 11 月 基于数理评价方法的挖掘机色彩意象设计 杨帆,任家骏,李娟莉,张琳 (太原理工大学,太原 030024 ) 摘要: 目的 针对国内挖掘机色彩设计的盲目性和无规律性,提出了基于数理评价的矿用挖掘机色彩意 象设计方法。方法 首先分析了挖掘机色彩意象的定位以及挖掘机色彩的发展趋势,然后利用数理分析 方法建立邓氏关联度的数学模型,对数据进行编程计算,最后通过数值分析的结果选取最优方案。结论 实验表明,该方法可将抽象的色彩意象转化为精准的数值,方便设计师作出科学判断,也使挖掘机厂家 在挑选方案时清晰明了。 关键词:数理评价方法;挖掘机;色彩意象方案;邓氏关联法 中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1001-3563(2017)22-0246-05 Color Image Design of Mine Excavator Based on Evaluation Method YANG Fan, REN Jia-jun, LI Juan-li, ZHANG Lin (Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China) ABSTRACT: According to the blindness and non regularity of the color design of excavator in China, the color image design of mine excavator based on evaluation method is proposed. Firstly, the orientation of the color image of the exca- vator and the development trend of the color of the excavator is analyzed, and then the mathematical model of the corre- lation degree of Dengs is established by the method of mathematical analysis, and then programming calculation of the data. Finally, the optimal scheme in the result by numerical analysis is selected. This research shows that the method is accurate and scientific, and the method can transform the abstract color image to the accurate numerical value. It is bene- ficial for designers to make scientific judgments, and manufacturers to select a program. KEY WORDS: mathematical evaluation method; excavator; color image scheme; Dengs correlation method 随着我国挖掘机品牌的不断崛起,挖掘机行业从 品的品牌识别的色彩设计,对其进行设计过程和方法 单纯的模仿国外挖掘机时代,进入自我研发提高品牌 的研究。并进行了实际设计实验,结果证明了其理论 价值和形象的新时代,挖掘机市场竞争越来越激烈。 的可行性和有效性


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