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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料 新GRE写作名人素材库:哥白尼-智课教育旗下智课教育 下面是小编整理的关于哥白尼的新GRE写作名人素材库,大家可以 选择几段来进行背诵,在GRE作文里作为论据进行论证。 考生在新GRE写作中要格外重视思维逻辑与论据论证,平时注意积 累素材,多收集一些新GRE写作论据论证例子。下面是小编为大家搜集 的关于哥白尼的新GRE写作名人素材库,希望能够帮助大家更好地备考 新GRE写作,获得新GRE写作高分。 哥白尼 (Copernicus 1473-1543) Copernicus, Nicolas (, Polish Mikolaj Kopernik) 1473 -- 1543 Astronomer and founder of the heliocentric ordering of the planets. Born on February 19, 1473, in Torun, Poland. He belonged to a family of merchants. His uncle, the bishop and ruler of Ermland, was the person to whom Copernicus owed his education, career, and security. Copernicus studied at the University of Cracow from 1491 to 1494. While he did not attend any classes in astronomy, it was during his student years there that Copernicus began to collect books on astronomy and mathematics. Some of these contain marginal notes by him dating back to that period, but it remains conjectural whether Copernicus had already made at that time a systematic study of the heliocentric theory. Copernicus returned to Torun in 1494, and in 1496, through the efforts of his uncle, he became a canon at Frauenburg, remaining in that office for the remainder of his life. Almost immediately Copernicus set out for Bologna to study canon law. In Bologna, Copernicus came under the influence of Domenico Maria de Novara, an astronomer known for his admiration of Pythagorean lore. There Copernicus also recorded some planetary positions, and he did the same in Rome, where he spent the Jubilee Year of 1500. In 1501 there followed a brief visit at home. His first official act as canon there was to apply for permission to spend 3 more years in Italy, which was granted him on his promise that he would study medicine. Copernicus settled in Padua, but later he moved to the University of Ferrara, where he obtained in 1503 the degree of doctor in canon law. Only then did he take up the study of medicine in Padua, prolonging his


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