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本科毕业论文 (科研训练、毕业设计) 题 目:交响乐队中的大管演奏 姓 名:江志谦 学 院:艺术学院 系:音乐系 专 业:音乐表演大管专业 年 级:2007级 学 号:18720078104936 指导教师(校内):荀海波 职称:讲师 指导教师(校外):金峰 职称:国家三级演奏员 2011年 6月 8日 交响乐队中的大管演奏 【摘 要】 近年来,我国交响乐队中大管演奏水平已有了很大的提高。但与小提琴、钢琴等乐器表演艺术相比还有相当的差距。究其原因是复杂的,比如大管的基本功训练教材比起小提琴与钢琴来还不够系统。但不重视基本功训练则可能是重要原因。 其表现是,片面追求进度和难度,过早地练习演奏大型的、高难度技巧的作品。另外不管什么作品,基本上按谱面吹下来就行了,而且很满足。对于技术细节的精确,内容和情感的表达手段,风格特点的细微差别全部被忽略掉了。其结果是,使演奏变得粗制滥造,无法再现其作品的真实内容。演奏者往往由于勉强吹奏那些远远超过自己能力的曲目,从而无法表达出作曲家对乐曲所想表现的真正感情。[1] 【关键字】交响乐大管 技巧演奏 Play bassoon in symphony orchestra 【Abstract】 In recent years, Chinas symphony orchestra in performance level for bassoon and has improved a lot. But with the violin, piano performance art Musical Instruments such as the gap there have been compared. Investigate its reason is complicated, such as the basic training textbooks for bassoon and piano than the violin and key to return not enough system. But didnt pay attention to basic training may be an important reasons. In the symphony for bassoon and playing skills representation is that unilateral pursue progress and difficulty, a premature practice playing large, complex skills of the works. Another no matter what works, and basically press photopolymers blow down went, and very satisfied. The precise details about technology, contents and emotional expression means, style characteristics nuances are all missing. The result, make a rough way, not reproduce play became the works of real content. sometimes the players would play those opus which are far way beyond their playing ability, as a result they cant accurately express the emotion of what the composer think. 【key words】 : symphony played for bassoon and skills 目 录 一、大管概述------------------------------------------------------------------3 (一)大管的起源--------------------------------------------------------------3 (二)大管的表现效果----------------------------------------------------------4 1.大管的特点-----



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