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Eternal Loneliness --Interview with the Vampire Film Critics Vampire feeds on person or animal blood . most of them are alternative creatures of no temperature and no feelings.they come and go in the night, have always had one kind or another legend .In fact, a vampire should be a walking corpse who has no feelings . However, film and television work always likes to give a vampire rich humanity.Interview with the vampire is one example to use vampire permanent eyes to express that loneliness can never be defeated. In fact, there are many focuses appealing to us in Interview with the Vampire ,such as three handsome actors co-star vampires, the love between men.But I mainly want to write the feeling of loneliness.The film Interview with the Vampire all the time filled with a lonely atmosphere.Each character was lonely. Louie was lonely, he couldt accept this reality of being a vampire and keeping away with fantasy lives of ordinary people;Lestat was lonely, no love, also not to be loved, and his presence become almost Louies nightmare;Claudia was lonely,she had a mature heart but had a pair of bodies that never grow up;Armand was also lonely, as the leader of the vampires, he couldt get people who he wants to get;Every vampire living in the vampire theatre was lonely, they got along with the worlds only partners but had many intrigues.Although the story of the film does not happen in real life, but it is so lifelike to reflect our real life.What has happened in the film stages in the real sunshine every day. First,because of loneliness,the vampire Lestat changed frustrated Louis into a vampire who can accompany him.because of loneliness, he adopted the little girl Claudia so carefully. After the little girl knew he killed her parents, Lestat genuinely believed Claudia and forgave her. He become a vampire so long and lonely that he didnt want to lose Louis and Claudia. Finally he died in the plan of Claudia and turned to be a particularly weak vampire


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