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南通航运职业技术学院 船舶与海洋工程系 毕 业 论 文 高强钢焊接工艺规范 姓 名: 学 号: 班 级: 专 业: 指导老师: 时 间: 高强钢焊接工艺规范 (南通航运职业技术学院船舶与海洋工程系 焊接3091) 摘要:高强度钢的焊接应用,在工业生产和国防建设的各个领域取得了十分显著的经济和社会效益。这类钢的主要特点是强度高,韧性、塑性也较好,在压力容器、工程机械、桥梁、舰船、各种车辆以及其他钢结构制造中得到了广泛的应用。 随着国民经济的飞速发展,各行各业都重现出欣欣向荣的局面,但我们看到在繁荣的背后同时暴露出了一些问题:各行各业都在消耗大量的能源和资源,全球资源减少的同时污染日益严重。国家已经认识到一些问题的严重性,中央已经明确提出各行业要节约20%的能源、20%的钢铁,要求从源头做起。对于我们钢铁使用的单位都必须减少钢铁的用量,减少钢铁使用量的有效途径是提高钢铁的强度,所以在今后的日子里,高强度钢会逐步取代目前大量采用500MPa级以内的低强钢。 关键词:高强钢 规范 焊接 注意事项 Abstract: High strength steel welding application in industrial production and national defense construction of each fields have achieved remarkable economic and social benefits. This kind of steel is the main characteristics of high strength, toughness, plastic is better also, in pressure vessel, engineering machinery, Bridges, ships, all kinds of vehicles and other steel structure in manufacturing a wide range of applications. With the rapid development of national economy, and all walks of life have a prosperous situation again, but we see in the prosperity behind and exposed some questions: all walks of life are in consume large amounts of energy and resources, the global resources and reduce the serious pollution. Countries have to recognize some of the seriousness of this problem, the central committee has definitely put forward to save 20% of the energy industry, 20% of the steel, request from the source is made. We use for the steel unit must reduce the dosage of steel, reduce steel use effective way is to enhance the strength of steel, so in the future days, high strength steel will gradually replace the current 500 MPa used in great quantities than level low strong steel. Keywords: high-strength steel standard weld matters needing attention 序言 高强度钢的焊接应用,在工业生产和国防建设的各个领域取得了十分显著的经济和社会效益。这类钢的主要特点是强度高,韧性、塑性也较好,在压力容器、工程机械、桥梁、舰船、各种车辆以及其他钢结构制造中得到了广泛的应用。 随着国民经济的飞速发展,各行各业都重现出欣欣向荣的局面,但我们看到在繁荣的背后同


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