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简析宋代陶瓷玩具——磨喝乐 目 录 摘要 ·关词……………………………………………………...…….……1 引言………………………………………...…………………...…….…….3 一、宋代陶瓷玩具 “磨喝乐”概述………………...………………..…...3 二、宋代陶瓷玩具 “磨喝乐”的艺术征……………...………………7 (一)主题的丰富性……………...…………………...…………………... 7 (二)装饰手法……………...…………………...…………………...…….9 三、结语……………...…………………...…………………...…………..10 参考文献……………...…………………...…………………...…………..11 注释……………...…………………...…………………...………………..12 0 摘 要 宋代文化在中国文化史上具有上启下的重要作用,它所呈现出的文化艺术辉煌是 历代不可比及的。陶瓷玩具磨喝乐作为宋代民俗文化载体之一是宋代文化的重要组成 部分,它是由外来宗教文化与中国传统民俗文化相融合,并逐渐演化为“乞巧”、“宜男” 的带有偶像崇拜的民俗器物。其充分反映着市井文化生活、民俗信仰同时作为陶瓷玩具 用来启迪儿童看物识事、认知社会有利于文化传播及德范教化。 本文通过对宋代陶瓷玩具“磨喝乐”的研究与学习,阐述了“磨喝乐”的历史渊源、发 展过程及宋代陶瓷玩具在文化传播中的价值及对后世的影响。 关键词 宋代 陶瓷玩具 磨喝乐 Abstract The culture of the Song Dynasty in the history of Chinese culture plays a significant role, it shows the cultural art brilliant history is not and. Tao Mo mill toy drink music as folk culture carrier of the song is the Song Dynasty culture important constituent, which is composed of foreign religious culture and the traditional Chinese folk culture, and gradually evolved into a" one"," Yi m" with the idol worship custom objects. It fully reflects the urban cultural life, folk customs and beliefs at the same time as the ceramic toys used to enlighten the children identify things, cognitive social is conducive to the dissemination of culture and education de van. This article through to the Tao Mo in the Song Dynasty toys" drink grinding music" and the study of Song Dynasty, expounds Tao Mo toys" drink grinding music" historical origin, development process and Tao Mo in the Song Dynasty in the dissemination of culture value and influence on later generations. Key word The Song Dynasty


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