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学校代码 学号 0703034125 分类号 密集 题目 马赛克在室内设计中的作用 (中、英文) Mosaic in interior design in the role 作 者 姓 名 赵 冬 科 专 业 名 称 艺 术 设 计 学 科 门 类 艺 术 类 指 导 教 师 孙 楠 提交论文日期 成 绩 评 定 摘 要 随着我国经济文化水平的显著提高,人们对于生活起居的环境要求也越来越高,因此,室内设计自然而然的就成了人们生活的焦点。由于马赛克技术的进步与创新,已经成为加强空间效果的一种重要元素。通过马赛克的发展史可以看出它在室内设计中的表现形式主要有陶瓷马赛克、大理石马赛克以及玻璃马赛克三种。由当初的单一性发现为了现在的多样性和艺术性,这不仅表现在色彩丰富,而且也表现在形式多样上。在室内中的运用也不仅仅只在卫生间和厨房了,在客厅,卧室,酒吧等公共场所也逐渐发展了起来。由此可见,马赛克作为装饰材料的发展前景极其远大,它将继续对室内空间的装饰起着至关重要的作用。 关键词:马赛克;表现形式;艺术性;多样性; Ⅰ Abstract As China's economic and cultural level significantly increased, people's environmental requirements for daily life have become more sophisticated, so, interior design naturally becomes the focus of people's lives. As advances in technology and innovation mosaic has become an important strengthening element of spatial effects. Mosaic history of the development through its interior design can be seen in the main form of ceramic mosaic, marble mosaic and glass mosaic of three. From the original discovery of unity to the diversity and artistic now, not only in rich colors, but also in the forms. The use of the room and not just in the bathroom and kitchen, and in the living room, bedrooms, bars and other public places have gradually developed again. Thus, the mosaic as a decorative material of the future is extremely ambitious, it will continue to decorate the interior space plays a vital role. Keywords: Mosaic, Manifestations,Artistry; Diversity Ⅱ 目录 摘要·························································· Ⅰ Abstract······················································ Ⅱ 目录·························································· Ⅲ 前言·························································· 1 本论


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