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摘 要 二连浩特市是我国北部边疆联通欧亚大陆的重要陆路口岸,外向型经济发展迅速,但由于气候干旱,水源奇缺,城市供水工业滞后,扩充城市供水规模和供水工程势在必行。 本设计依据有关文件精神,拟定二连市供水工程分两期进行,核算供水规模为近期2.4万m3/d,远期3.6万m3/d。依据二连浩特地区水文地质勘察资料,经详细分析和进行方案比较,选定齐哈日格图为地下水源地。工程建设方案为一期在老水源地和原有南井群新建深井5眼,火车站至二连市53.8公里,DN450输水管一条,二期在齐哈日格图地区新建深井8眼(形成北井群),北井群至火车站10公里建DN500输水管一条,以及火车站至二连市的53.8公里长DN450输水管一条。各井采用250QJ-180/10型多级潜水离心泵,各深井处设地下式井室和变配电各一座。二连市内设新配水厂,内设两座容积各为5900 m3清水池。一期和二期工程结束时工程分别达到2.4万m3/d和3.6万m3/d供水规模。 关 键 词: 水源地 输水管 井室 清水池 Abstract Erenhot is the Major land crossings, linked the Eurasia in Chinas northern frontier, Export-oriented economy has a Rapid development, but drought、water scarcity、urban water industry lags behind restricting economic development severely, expanding the scale of urban water supply and water supply project imperative. The design basis for the spirit of the document, preparing city water supply project and dividing into two phases, the scale water supply is 24,000m?d recently, 36,000 m?d forward. enAccording to the hydrogeological survey data of Erenhot, by the detailed analysis and the scheme comparison, selected the Qihreg is the groundwater resources. Project construction is construct five Sham Tsengs in Old water source and Well the original group of South in first period, Qiha train station 53.8 km from Erenhot, one DN450 Steel Pipe .At the second phase, building two Sham Tsengs in the Qihreg area and forming North Wells. The wells 10km from Qihreg, Steel Pipe is DN500 and another DN450 from Qiha train station to 53.8km. Every well use Multi-stage Submersible Pump of 250QJ-180, and has underground chamber and substation. Setting up new water plant in Erenhot, equipped with two volume of 5900 m3 clear pools. At the end of the project, works to achieve the Scale water supply of 24,000m3/d and 36,000 m3/d . Key word: Water source place Water pipe Well room Reservoir of clean water 目 录 1 设计概况 1 1.1 二连浩特市概况 1 1.1.1 城市自然自然地理条件 1 1.1.2 社会环境概况 1 1.2 二连浩特市供水工程现状及存在问题 2 1.3 供水工程设计任务,编制依据及工程范围 3 1.3.1 工程


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