人教新目标版英语八下Unit 5《What were you doing when the rainstorm came》(第2课时)课件.pptx

人教新目标版英语八下Unit 5《What were you doing when the rainstorm came》(第2课时)课件.pptx

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人教新目标版英语八下Unit 5《What were you doing when the rainstorm came》(第2课时)课件.pptx

Unit 5 What were you doing when the storm came? Section A 3a-3c (P35) 课 前 预 习 storm 1.暴风雨n. __________ 2.风 n._w__in_d_____ 3.光线;光亮n._____________ light 4.报道;公布v.& n _re_p_o_r_t____ area 5.地域;地区n. _______ wood 6.木;木头 n.________ window 7.窗户 n. _______ 8.手电筒;火炬n.__fl_a_s_h_lig_h_t__ match 9.火柴n. _______ 课 前 预 习 10.敲打;打败 v. __b_e_a_t_____ against 11.倚;碰;撞prep. _________ asleep 11.睡着adj.________________ rise 12.升起;增加;提高v.& n ____________ fallen 13.倒下的;落下的__________ 14.分离;分开 adv.d__iv_id_e_d_l_y___ 课 前 预 习 【短语】 15. strong winds ___________ 狂风 16. make the sky dark _使__天__空__变__黑______ 17. in the neighborhood _在__附__近_____ 18.make sure _____________________ 务必;确保;确认 19. beat heavily against the windows 大力地拍打着窗子 ______________ 感觉像…… 20. feel like______________ 21.fall asleep_进__入__梦__乡__,__睡__着_ 22. wake up_____醒__来_______ 课 前 预 习 23.die down____平__息__ 24.in a mess___凌__乱___ 25.fallen trees_倒__木_____ 26.broken windows___破__窗____ 27. in times of difficulty___________ 在困难时期 课 前 预 习 【句型】 28. Ben's Dad was putting pieces of wood over the window while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. 本的爸爸把木头碎片放在窗口,当他的妈妈 ____________________________________________ 正在确保手电筒和收音机工作时。 __________________________________ 29. Ben was helping his mom making dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows. ___本__帮__助__他__的__妈__妈__做__晚__饭__的__时__候__,__雨__就__开__始__对_____ ___窗__口__重__打__。_____ 课 前 预 习 30. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m. 当凌晨3点风在各地停止时他终于睡着了。 ___________________________________________ ___________________________________ 31. When he woke up, the sun was rising. ____当__他__醒__来__时__,__太__阳__升__起__。___________________ ___________________________________ 课 堂 小 测 一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用单词的适当 形式填空,每空一词。 light 1. She worked by the l of a candle. to let the window 2. Please open the w fresh air in. wood beat 3. The desk is made of 4. To our surprise, he (木头). (打败) Cathy in the chess competition and got the first prize. ag



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