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代词难点,疑点讲解 老张编印 代词就是用来代替名词,形容词或数词的词。如you, many等。代词可分为九大类: 1人称代词:I, you ,he, she, me, him, her, we, us etc 2物主代词:my, mine, his, his, her, hers, your, yours etc 3反身代词:myself, yourself, ourselves, himself, herself etc 4相互代词:each other, one another 5指示代词:this, these, that, those, such 6疑词代词:who, what, which, whose etc 7关系代词:who, which, that, whose, whom, as etc 8连接代词:who, which, what, whose etc 9不定代词:some, any, none, each, every, other ,another sth (所有代词都兼有名词和形容词性质) Ⅰ 人称代词:I.主要掌握何时用主格,何时用宾格。如强调句型: It was he who came late. It was him that I saw yesterday. 宾格特殊用法: 对话:I am at peace with all men. __Me, too. Who wants to try first? __Me,sir. I want an apple._Me, too. 用于表示惊奇,怀疑,否定,蔑视,驳斥等感情色彩的无谓语句。 You ought to pay the bills._what, me? Me! Marry a poor girl? _No, not me! He teaches English._Him teach English?(No, he can’t teach English) Me married? I don’t think. What! Me say sorry to him? No! “Me? A dog?” it seemed to say with its strong body and sharp white teeth. There/Here be句型 Come and dine with us. There’ll only be us three. Here’s me a middle school English teacher. 注意在介词between…and…,but, except, with后面宾格。 Ⅱ 除it外,人称代词在上下文中还有指物的用法(物的人格化) 在文学作品中或有关的语体中,常见某些表示无生命的名词和抽象名词的人格化,往往以阳性代词代表sun,anger, love, death, fear, war等;而已阴性代词代表plan, train, ship, car, earth, nature, motherland, spring, autumn, peace, kindness, memory等。如: And in the end he did land us safe, but the ship sank soon after she reached Liverpool. The car needs some gas. Let’s fill her up at the next filling station. Love(爱神)begins playing his old tricks every spring. The wolf in sheep’s clothing hid himself among a flock of sheep. We are packed (=our things are packed). What’s the time now? _I am 8:30 (=It’s 8:30 by my watch). Ⅲ It 的用法 人称代词(指代非生物或动物))’s dictionary, not yours. Ours is a large family. His is a light and spacious room. 形容词性物主代词英语比汉语用的更频繁. He is doing his homework now. He put his hand in (into) his pocket. He lost his way in the woods. He held h


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