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第八单元:知识与智慧一、文体注释:1、信息、知识与智慧的差异:The first category is “information信息”, which consists of simple facts and direct impressions. The second category is commonly deemed as “knowledge知识”, which is information processed and systemized. The third category is “wisdom智慧”, which is the hardest to define. We are quite clear about its superiority to the previous two categories, yet for the realm of wisdom there has never been a sure path. However, in this excerpt, Russell has shown us a way to approach wisdom.2、课文提纲:第一段:引入话题知识与智慧第二段:智慧需要全局观与比例感第三段:智慧需要对所追求之事物有意识第四段:要消除偏见才能找到追求的目标第五段:要摆脱时间和空间的束缚3、修辞手法:排比In this essay, parallelism排比结构 is employed, apart from other rhetoric devices. Here is an example: “But it is possible to make a continual approach towards impartiality, on the one hand, by knowing things somewhat remote in time or space, and on the other hand, by giving to such things their due weight in our feelings.” The underlined parts in the quoted sentence constitute equivalent syntactic constructions, thus making the expression more forceful. Parallelism can also be used to convey one’s ideas more clearly and create a sense of order and proportion.二、课文词汇及知识点Abridge .省略,摘要,节略 (opp. lengthen) (不保留原词原句,保留中心大意和结构)Excerpt 摘录,摘要;节录;抽印。(抽取部分的原词原句)Surpass 超越Surpass sb/sth in 方面The product of company A surpasses that of company B in both quality and price.Cf. The quality and price of the product of company A is better than company B.A公司的产品在质量和价格方面都超越了B公司的产品。A公司产品的价格和质量都比B公司的好。Correlative 有相互关系的, (with; to)。(随…而变化的)Salary levels are correlative with the general economic level of a region.Relative 与…有关系[联系]的Birth is not always relative to a person’s success.Related 相关的Have you read all the related books to your thesis?Contribute to 出力,作出贡献A sense of …感Proportion比,比率;【数学】比例。(部分与整体的比率)The military expenditure of North Korea is out of proportion with its national economy.In proportion 比例恰当,成比例Out of proportion 比例不恰当,不成比例Proportionate a. 比例协调的Capacity to do Capable of doing Take account


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