日本动漫文化 英文介绍.ppt

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日本动漫文化 英文介绍

Anime ------In Japanese culture 1.Origin 2.The history of anime 3.Popular reasons 4.Characteristic and type 5.Famous author The Japanese anime, is called the Japanese cartoon and Japanese Caricature. Japan is the worlds largest animation powerful country. Japanese started from 1917,it has 96 years for now. 1917-1945:the birth of Japanese anime (萌芽期) 1946-1973:Explore period (探索期) 1974-1989:Mature period (成熟期) 1990- now: The refinement phase (细化期) The history of anime 1917-1945:the birth of Japanese anime Momotarô: Umi no shinpei 桃太郎海上神兵 1946-1973:Explore period 手冢治虫(1928-1989) Astro Boy 1974-1989:Mature period 藤子·F·不二雄(1933年-1996年) DORAEMON 1990- now: The refinement phase Saint Seiya Popular reasons Japanese anime have a strong targeted. Japanese cartoon is classified according to the age and sex of the readers classification childrens comics (6 ~ 11 years old children) youth comics (from 6 to 18 years old for boys the main readers of the comic girl comics young comic (18 ~ 25 year old youth ) : Adventure(冒险) Hot-blood(热血) Super robot war(机战) Funny(搞笑) School(校园) Emotional(情感) Aestheticism(唯美) Cute(卖萌) Detective(侦探) Across(穿越) Fantasy(玄幻) etc. .Characteristic and type Famous author 宫崎骏,Miyazaki Hayao (龙猫,千与千寻spirited away) 高桥留美子Rumiko Takahashi—(犬夜叉Inuyasha) 尾田龙一郎Oda Ryuichiro-(one piece海贼王) 乌山明-(龙珠 ) 藤子F不二雄 – (DORAEMON哆啦A梦) 諫山 創いさやま はじめ-进击的巨人、 ……


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