sph 常用关键字手册.docx

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sph 常用关键字手册

1.*CONSTRAINED_GLOBAL全局约束Purpose: Define a global boundary constraint plane.定义一个全局平面边界约束TC Translational Constraint:平动约束EQ.1: constrained x translation,EQ.2: constrained y translation,EQ.3: constrained z translation,EQ.4: constrained x and y translations,EQ.5: constrained y and z translations,EQ.6: constrained x and z translations,EQ.7: constrained x, y, and z translations,RCRotational Constraint:转动约束EQ.1: constrained x-rotation,EQ.2: constrained y-rotation,EQ.3: constrained z-rotation,EQ.4: constrained x and y rotations,EQ.5: constrained y and z rotations,EQ.6: constrained z and x rotations,EQ.7: constrained x, y, and z rotations.DIRDirection of normal正常的方向EQ.1: global x,EQ.2: global y,EQ.3: global z.X x-offset coordinatex方向偏移坐标Y y-offset coordinatey方向偏移坐标Zz-offset coordinatez方向偏移坐标Remarks:Nodes within a mesh-size-dependent tolerance are constrained on a global plane. Thisoption is recommended for use with r-method adaptive remeshing where nodal constraints arelost during the remeshing phase.节点网格大小的依赖公差限制在全局坐标平面上,这个选项要求使用在适应的重新划分节点约束消失在重新划分阶段。举例说明:(多用在对称面处)*CONSTRAINED_GLOBAL*CONSTRAINED_GLOBAL 1 5 1X平动Y、Z转动X法线方向343 Z平动X、Y转动Z法线方向2. *SECTION_SPHSPH属性设置Purpose: Define section properties for SPH particles.定义SPH粒子的属性SECID SECID is referenced on the *PART card. A unique numberor label not exceeding 8 characters must be specified.使用特定的PART编号,其号码字符不能超过8个字符。CSLH Constant applied to the smoothing length of the particles. The defaultvalue applies for most problems. Values between 1.05 and 1.3 areacceptable. Taking a value less than 1 is inadmissible. Values largerthan 1.3 will increase the computational time. The default value isrecommended.该常数用于设置光滑粒子长度,默认值应用于大部分问题。设定值在1.05~1.3之间是可行的,值小于1不可行,值大于1.3会增加计算时间,建议取默认值。HMIN Scale factor for the minimum smoothing length (See Remark 1)设置最小光滑长度的比例因子HMAXScale factor for the maximum smoothing length (See Remark 1)设置最大光滑长度的比例因子SPHINI Optional initial smoothing length (overrides true smoothing


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