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Double bottom tanks are in the space between the _____and the bottom of the hull. A. tanks B. holds C. cabins D. tweendecks B The holds are numbered ____. A. from forward to aft B. from aft to forward C. from left to right D. from main deck to bottom A A modern general cargo ship has her engine room and bridge__________. A. amidship B. forward C. aft D. A or B C When standing on board a ship and facing the bow,the port side is on the ____side. A. right-hand B. fore C. left-hand D. aft C Draft is the depth from ______to vesselbottom. A. waterline B. deck level C. amidships D. main deck A The line leading forward to the tug from the bow is_____. A. the forward towing line B. the headline C. the forward breast line D. the stern line A My ship is equipped _____ automatic hatch covers. A. with B. in C. on D. for A The most modern vessels are navigated by _____. A. loran B. sextant C. satellite D. magnetic compass C The ____ is of great value to ships in poor visibility. A. VHF set B. radar C. steering gear D. compass B We can find the ships position on _____. A. the map B. the chart C. the compass D. VHF set B The engine orders are passed from the bridge to the engine room by_____. A. telephone B. VHF C. GPS set D. telegraph D Ships that transport people are called ______. A. general cargo ships B. oil tankers C. passenger ships D. containers C _______ must be powerful enough to move ships of large size. A. Barges B. Tugs C. Life boats D. LASH B ________ must be seaworthy as pilots go out in all weathers. A. Pilot boats B. Light ships C. Ocean-going tugs D. Fishing boats A The oil is pumped onto the ship at the loading port by ________ . A. ship’s own pumps B. shore pumps C. large drums D. boiler feed pump B ______ is driven by electricity and it points to true north. A. The gyro compass B. The magnetic compass C. The compass card D. The compasses A The deck extending from bow to stern is called ________. A


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