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八年级上册短语1 与什么不同 be different from_2 与什么相似be similar to 3像什么一样the same as 4因为because of (+短语/单词) because (+句子)5 感受到feel like doing sth6多/少于more than / less than 7至少/多at least/ at most 8 关心care about 9只要as long as 10使显现bring out 11事实上in fact 12似乎…… itseemsthat13似乎要做某事seem to do sth14有.....共同特点 have… in common各种各样的all kinds of 16发挥作用play a role in 17 获奖 get prize in 18 认真对待 be serious about 19介意做某事mind doing sth20无法忍受做某事can’t stand doing sth21计划做某事plan to do sth21 期待做某事 expect/hope to so sth22决定做某事decide to do sth22 告诉某人做某事tell sb to do sth23尝试做某事try to do sth24有趣做某事fun to do sth25完成做某事finish doing sth26 练习做某事practice doing sth27了解/查明find out 28寻找look for 29照顾take care of / look after 30看......look at 31例如_such as (+ 短语/句子),for example (+句子)32待在家stayat home33一点(可数)a few 34一点(不可数)a little 35任何有趣的事情anything interesting 36享受做某事enjoy doing sth37足够的时间enough time _38足够清晰clearly enough 39忙于做某事be busy doing sth / with sth, 40怎么会呢 How come?41对某人满full for sb . 42 装满…. Full of / be filled with 43对身体有好处be good for _44上网go online 45 .....的答案the answer to 46干.....的最好方式the best way to do sth .47必要做某事it’s necessary for sb to do sth 48离….近close to 49. 离….远far from 50最舒服的座位the most comfortable seat51最好的音响the best sound 52 买票快buy tickets quickly53到目前为止so far 54为....而感谢thanks for 55展示某人的才华show one’s talent 56越来越流行more and more popular57越来越大bigger and bigger 58取决于某人depend on sb. 59编造make up 60为了快乐for fun 61给某人某物give sbsth/give sth to sb2 实现come true63因....而出名famous as 64 作为....而出名famous as65准备做某事be ready/prepare to do sth66为....而准备get ready /prepare for67做的好do well in 68 打扮dress up( as)69主要main idea 70 .代替某人的位置。Take one’s place 73太多的(可数)too many 74太多的(不可数)too much75上表演课have acting lessons 5坚持做某事keep on doing sth76 确保/确信make sure / be sure 77寄某物给某人send sbsth/ send sth to sb78学会做某事learn to do sth 79. 向某人学习 learn from sb80取得更好分数get good grades81能够做某事be able to do sth82......的开始the beginning of 83承诺做某事promise to do sth 84写下write down84来年the coming year85搬到......move to 86在某


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