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5500单词笔记(-) 前言 词性 able a 能…的 I shall be able to come tomorrow a 有能力的 an able lawyer enable vt 使能够 a hole in the fence that enabled us to watch vt 激活 enable a nuclear warhead ability n 能力 we found him work more suited to his abilities. haunt(拆分法) haunt n常来常往的地方 the haunts of my school days 学生时代常去的地方 vt 鬼魂出没 a haunted room 鬼屋 vt 萦绕心头 memory haunted me 往事在心头浮现 gaunt a 憔悴的 you look gaunt。slim body and gaunt face trivial a 琐碎的,不重要的 their differences are trivial 他们的分歧是不重要的 vicar n教区牧师 bishop n主教 bicycle n自行车 cycle n 周期 circle n圆周 bride n 新娘 bridegroom n新郎 groove n 凹槽 sanguine (谐音法) 汉语:形意 英语:形音 shanghai vt欺骗,伤害I was shanghaied into buying worthless souvenir。 sanguine a面色红润的 a sanguine complexion红润的面色 乐观的 he seems quite sanguine about his chances of success. a sanguine nature [disposition] 性格 天性 fare n 费,票价 a taxi fare vi 进展,进行 How did you fare there?你在那里过得怎样 I fared quite well in the interview 我这次面试情况不错 famine n饥荒die of famine/hunger 死于饥荒 die of cancer famish vt使挨饿,vi 饿死 we are all resolved rather to die than to famish. ponder vi思考沉思 he had been pondering for days ponderous a笨重的 ponderous furnitures. pound n 磅 a pound of rice punch vt用拳猛击 he punched the man on his chest. 冲压,打孔(开始工作),punch out/in 开始工作/下班 ambition n野心 雄心 have ambition to do something. my ambition is curse n诅咒 天谴 my tribe is under a curse n祸根 foxes can be a curse to farmers rim系列全集 (口诀法) 只有rim是边缘,前面加b含义不变,前面加g真恐怖,前面t才修剪整齐。 p在rim真端庄,p到玫瑰上更单调,p灭了光就陷入困境,p在光线下才是祈祷。 rim n边 the rim of a hat帽边 n轮圈 brim n圆物的边the glass was full to the brim 玻璃杯中的液体已满到要溢出来了 grim a 恐怖的 made a grim jest狰狞的笑 Grim Reaper 死神(恐怖的收割者) trim vt修剪 trim my hair=cut my hair short a 整洁的 my hair is trim prim a端庄的 too prim and proper to enjoy such a rude joke prose n散文 a page of well-written prose一篇很好的散文 n 单调 plight n 困境 no one can be a hero in the plight 一分钱憋倒英雄汉 every dog has its


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