Concrete bridge will replace steel structure on Outer Banks 胡旭浩.docx

Concrete bridge will replace steel structure on Outer Banks 胡旭浩.docx

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Concrete bridge will replace steel structure on Outer Banks 胡旭浩

Concrete bridge will replace steel structure on Outer Banks 混凝土桥将取代外滩岛上的钢结构A few hundred yards of N.C. 12 and its protective dunes will be rebuilt at Kitty Hawk, to repair damage caused in early October by Hurricane Joaquin. N.C. Department of Transportation北卡罗来纳州12和其保护沙丘中几百码将在小鹰重建,以修复飓风华金在十月初造成的损害。北卡罗来纳州运输部HIGHLIGHTS:A $14.2 million bridge, to open in 2017, is temporaryNC 12 may eventually be moved off Pea Island and routed over Pamlico SoundRepairs begin for storm-damaged road at Kitty Hawk 一座将于2017启用造价1420万美元的混凝土桥,将可能从目前的北卡罗来纳州12搬离豌豆岛,并路由帕姆利科湾。对于风暴造成损害的修复将于小鹰开始By Bruce SiceloffThe state Department of Transportation is preparing to build a temporary concrete bridge for N.C. 12 on Pea Island, to replace a temporary steel bridge erected four years ago. The move will also buy time while engineers devise a more nearly permanent solution to keep the Outer Banks highway above the stormy Atlantic.国家交通运输部正准备为北卡罗来纳州12在豌豆岛上搭建一个临时的混凝土桥以取代临时的钢桥架设。这一举措也为工程师们设计出一个近乎永久解决大西洋风暴对外滩岛危害的方案争取了时间。It’s one of a string of bridge projects in various stages of development along N.C. 12 in Dare County, which is increasingly vulnerable to rough weather and rising seas.它是一连串的用于不同发展阶段的北卡罗来纳州12的桥梁工程之一,且其对于恶劣天气和不断上升的海平面来说极为脆弱。With an apparent low bid of $14.2 million, T.A. Loving Co. of Goldsboro is expected to get the contract for the 2,300-foot-long bridge, to be completed by spring 2017.戈尔兹伯勒助教爱有限公司预计可以以1420万美元的预算,在2017年春前完成2300英尺长的桥。DOT had begun building a permanent $59 million bridge there last year, planning to elevate N.C. 12 for two miles along its current track through the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge. But that project was scrapped as part of a deal with conservation groups whose lawsuits had blocked a more urgent DOT project: an overdue replacement for the deteriorating Bonner Bridge across Oregon Inlet.DOT去年已经开始在此地建造一条耗资5900万美元的永久性桥梁,计划将北卡罗来纳州12路沿其当前轨道途经豌豆岛国家野生动物保护区的区域提高两英里。但该计划作为与通过诉讼使其更为紧要的项目受阻的团体的协议的一部分条件,遭到了废弃,逾期更换为俄勒冈州入口恶化的邦纳大桥。The fates of several bridges were decided in


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