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早读资料(1) A Happy Chinese New Year to the World the Year of the Dragon/ Dragon Year 春节联欢晚会? Spring Festival Gala /Chinese New Year?Gala 例句:Ever since its debut over two decades ago, the Spring Festival Gala has developed into an occasion that most Chinese find it hard to ignore. 春节 the Spring Festival 农历 lunar calendar 正月 lunar January 除夕 New Year‘s Eve; eve of lunar New Year 元宵节 the Lantern Festival 守岁 staying-up gala: K.K.[?ɡel?, ?ɡ?l?, ?ɡɑl?] n. 节日;庆祝;盛会 debut: D.J.[?deibu:] K.K.[de?bju, ?de?bju] n.〈法〉演员首次演出 lunar: D.J.[?lju:n?] K.K.[?lun?] adj. 月的, 月球的 元宵节又称灯节、上元节,按照传统习俗,过了元宵节,“年”才算过完。为了给“年”一个圆满的收场,闹花灯、逛庙会、观彩灯、猜灯谜等民俗活动会在元宵节期间隆重登场。 Yangko dance/Yangge: 扭秧歌,秧歌是汉族具有代表性的一种民间舞蹈形式,主要流行于我国北方地区。但因流传地区不同,又有陕北秧歌、晋北秧歌、东北秧歌等。 Waist drum/drum dance: 腰鼓舞,一种非常独特的民间大型舞蹈艺术。 Walking on stilts: 踩高跷。on stilts还可以表示“夸张做作”。 Land boat dance: 划旱船,也称为跑旱船,民间传说是为了纪念治水有功的大禹。 Lantern riddles: 灯谜。猜灯谜就可以说是guessing lantern riddles。 Dragon lantern dancing: 耍龙灯,也叫“舞龙”、“龙灯舞”。 除夕(农历十二月三十日)----New Years Eve 春节(农历一月一日)----------Spring Festival 元宵节(农历一月十五日)- ---Festival of Lanterns 清明节(四月五日前后)----Tomb-sweeping Day 端午节(农历五月初五)--------Dragon boat Festival 中秋节(农历八月十五)-Midautumn(Moon)Festival 重阳节(农历九月九日)--------Double-ninth Day 情人节(二月十四日)---------Valentines Day 复活节(三月二十二至四月二十五中的任何一天) --------Easter 万圣节(十月三十一日)----------Halloween 感恩节(十一月的第四个星期四)--------Thanksgiving Day 圣诞节(十二月二十五日)------- Christmas 奥巴马贺农历新年 Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to Asian Americans and?Pacific Islanders, the people of Asia, and all those around the world who are celebrating the Lunar New Year. As people of all cultures and faiths welcome the Year of the Tiger, let us all give thanks for family, the wisdom of our?ancestors, and the company of our friends and neighbors. Here in the United States, the Lunar New Year will be marked by festivals in Houston and lion dances in Los Angeles; parades in Chicago and celebrations large and small in communities acro


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