人教版七年级英语上教案英文全册 ).doc

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人教版七年级英语上教案英文全册 )

七年级新目标英语Go for it!(上) Unit 1My name’s Gina The First Period 一、Teaching Aims: 1.Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary: Target language: 2. Ability Objects Train the students’ listening skill. Train the students’ communicative competence using the target language. 3. Moral Object Communicate with others politely. 二、Teaching Key Points Key vocabulary.my name is / name’s / clock / I am / I’m/ nice to meet you / what / what’s my your his her its look and answer question /your /hello / hi/ How to greet people What’s your name? Allan. Hello. I’m Mary. Hi, Mary, I’m Jim. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you , too. How to introduce yourself 三、Teaching Difficult Point Students can communicate with others using the key vocabulary and the target language learned in this class. 四、Writing Design Unit 1 Lesson1 1.What’s your name? My/His/Her name is Alan. . 2.Hello, I’m Mary. Hi, Mary, I’m Jim. 3. My name is Jenny. I’m Gina. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too. 五、Teaching Procedures Step Warming up Hold up a book and ask: What’s this in English? Let them say: It’s a book.. Show more things in this way, like “key, lock, clock, ball ……” Let the students turn to Page1 , 1a, look at the picture on the right carefully, Write down the words in the blank lines next to the picture.. Suggested answers: Clock ball hat key book ruler backpack gold fish fish bowl…… Step2 Presentation 1.Show the students some new words on the paper: Jenny Gina Alan Mary Jim Make them read the words for times. Let one student stand and answer: What’s your name? My name is Jenny. 2.Teach them how to greet each other for the first time: Hi, I’m Mary. Hello, my name is Jim. 3. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 4.Point to a boy student and say: His name


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