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与介词搭配 名词与介词的搭配 名词与for的搭配 affection, admiration, appetite, fancy, need, reason, demand, charge, sympathy, wish, substitution, consideration, responsibility, desire, cure等 名词与in的搭配 advance, difficulty, faith, success, confidence, proficiency e.g. Have you any faith in what he says? His success in business lies in his honest dealing. 名词与on的搭配 comment, dependence, effect, emphasis, impact, influence, operation, pressure, stress, judgment, mercy e.g. We place more emphasis on laying a solid foundation. 名词与to的搭配 access, adjustment, insult, approach, attention, attitude, contribution, damage, exposure, introduction, key, objection, reaction She couldn’t forgive so terrible an insult to her pride. 名词与with的搭配 accordance, acquaintance, association, combination, connection, contact等 He has no association with the company. Everything her is in accordance with its surroundings. 形容词与介词的搭配 形容词与about 的搭配 anxious, concerned, enthusiastic, excited, happy, nervous, particular, careful, curious, suspicious, worried He is particular about his food, clothes, etc. 形容词与at 的搭配 angry, good, quick, slow 3. 形容词与for的搭配 adequate, competent, eager, famous, fit, convenient, grateful, late, necessary, responsible, useful, regretful, sorry 4.形容词与from搭配 absent, different, distant, distinct, free, safe, derived, remote Allen and I are in the same history class, but his assignment is different from mine. Many students are absent from class due to the approaching of the holiday. 5.形容词与of搭配 Ashamed, aware, capable, careful, certain, confident, considerate, envious, greedy, guilty, ignorant, independent, jealous, proud, worthy It was very considerate of you to send me a credit card. The brave men were aware of the danger confronted with them. 6.形容词与to搭配 Attentive, applicable, adaptable, agreeable, beneficial, faithful, favorable, loyal, opposite, prior, superior, inferior, similar, equal, grateful, polite, harmful, subject, thankful Health without riches is preferable to riches without health. Many of us


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