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南充高中2015年素质技能邀请赛 英 语 试 题 (满分150分,时间分钟) 一、单项选择(20个小题,每题1.5分,共30分)1. Jack had ________ feeling of surprise when hearing that his composition had been published in ________ schol newspaper. A. the; a B. a; the C. /; the D. the; / 2. Because of the strong earthquake in Nepal, the meeting has been delayed and it won’t take place until further ________ . A. sign B. symbol C. signal D. notice 3. —How do you find the 2015 Spring Festival Gala? —Well, great! But I don’t think much of ________ held last year. A. the one B. it C. one D. what 4. Oh, it’s you, Mike! Youe voice sounds quite different ________ the phone. What’s happening? A. from B. in C. by D. on 5. Astronomers believe they have discovered a planet that is ________ the earth and covered with diamonds. A. three times as bigger as B. twice the size of C. three times the size than D. twice the size as 6. Believe in us. We make sure you can get ________ with your money. In other words, you can get your money’s worth. A. the best B. the better C. best D. better 7. —David, you are late for work again. —Sorry, sir, but I was ________ for 20 minutes on the way here in the traffic jam. A. put up B. held up C. taken up D. turned up 8. The thing that ________ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not. A. functions B. matters C. cares D. minds 9. —Sir, I’m here. —Please listen. I ________ sending you to cover the event, but I’d like to hear your opinion first. A. have considered B. am going to consider C. considered D. have been considering 10. The snowslide has caused a lot of damage to that area and the figures of the missing ________ shortly. A . will be published B. have been published C. will publish D. have published 11. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ________ on benches. A. having seated B. to sit C. seated D. being sitting 12. —________ I turn off the computer before I leave? —Don’t bother. I’ll do it myself later. A. Shall B. May C


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