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中考英语高频词汇详解(31) H habit? n.习性;习惯 短语:be in/ fall into/ get into/ the habit of doing sth. 有(养成)做某事的习惯 例如:He is not in the habit of drinking a lot. 他不习惯于多喝酒。 I’ve got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home.?? 我已养成了一到家就打开电视的习惯。 habitat? n. (动植物的)自然环境;栖息地???? 例如:The creature’s habitat is the jungle. 这种动物的栖息地是丛林。 hair?? n.毛发;茸毛?????????????? hair band 发带?? hair clip发卡 haircut? n. 理发;发型???? 例如:That’s a nice haircut. 那个发式很漂亮。 You should have a haircut. 你该理发了。 half?? adj.? ? n. (pl. halves)一半;半场 例如:I divided the apples into halves. 我把苹果分成两瓣。 half past one, two etc.一点半、两点半…… hall? n.门厅;大楼;大厅;厅堂???????? in the hall 在大厅 Halloween? n. 万圣节前夕(10月31日) ham? n.火腿;后腿 a slice of ham 一片火腿 a ham sandwich 火腿三明治 hamburger? n.汉堡包 hamster? n. 仓鼠 hand?? n.手;前腿v. 交给。 短语:1. hand in 交上来 ?? 例如:The teacher asked the students to hand in their papers.老师叫学生将试卷交上来。 ????????? 2. hand out? 分发;发放??? 例如:They are having out emergency things. 他们正在分发紧急物品。 handbag? n. 手包 handsome? adj. 英俊的;漂亮的 handwriting? n. 手写;书法 hang (hung, hung)? v. 使悬挂;使吊起??? 上吊;绞死;处以绞刑(hanged, hanged) 短语:hang out (俚语)闲逛;闲荡ground? n.地;地面 group? n.集体;团体 a group of girls? 一群女孩子 a newspaper group 报业集团 grow (grew, grown) v. 增加;成长; ???? 短语:grow up 成年,长成。例如:I want to be a doctor when I grow up. 我长大后想当医生。 guard? n.警惕;看守 ???? guess?? v. 猜测;估计 例如:Can you guess her age/ guess how old she is? 你能猜出她的年龄吗? guest?? n.? 客人;宾客 例如:He invited her to be his guest for the evening at the theatre.他邀请她晚上去看戏。 guide? n. 向导;导游?????? a tour guide 导游 例如:I know the place well, so let me be your guide.??? 我熟悉那地方,我来当你们的向导。 v. 引导;指导 例如:I guided him to his seat. 我把他领到他的座位上去。 guidebook n. (旅行、游览等)指南 guilty? adj. 内疚的;有罪的;犯罪的 例如:I feel guilty about visiting her so rarely. 我因极少看望她而感到内疚。 guitar?? n.吉他 例如:He likes playing the guitar. 他喜欢弹吉他。 gum? n. 口香糖??? chew gum 嚼口香糖 gun? n.枪;炮 例如:Look out, he has got a gun!小心,他拿着枪呢! guy? n. 家伙;小伙子 例如:He’s a great guy. 他是个了不起的小伙子。 gym = gymnasium?? n.体育馆;健身房? exercise in the gym 在健身房锻炼 gymnast? n. 体操运动员 gymnastic? adj.? 体育


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