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Teaching Plan 教学计划

Teaching Plan Teacher He Weihua (何维华) Teaching Content Science Has Spoiled My Supper, Text A, Unit 2 Diet and Fitness Time 80 minutes Target Students Grade 1, college Teaching Objectives a:Students can understand and use new words and phrases about diet and food; b:Enable students to understand and retell the text we learn at this class; c:Improve Students’ reading skills and enhance their confidence in learning English. Teaching Key and Difficult points Key point :How to seize the main idea of the passage Difficult point :ome difficult structures and Translation Teaching Procedures:Ask students some questions and then lead to the theme—diet and fitness 1. Science has brought about far-reaching changes in every sphere of our daily life. Give some examples. e.g. communicate with different friends and relatives far off distances. 2. Have you felt the way about what science has done to our food? e.g. transgene, more delicious, colorful corns… Step two: explain new words and phrases ★ commit?v. (a) to do sth wrong or illegal 做出(错或非法的事),犯(罪或错等) e.g. commit murder犯谋杀罪Most crimes are committed by young men. 多数罪行都是年轻人犯下的。 (b) [often passive] to promise sincerely that you will definitely do sth, keep to an agreement or arrangement, etc. 承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等) e.g. The president is committed to reforming health care. 总统承诺要改革卫生保健制度。 Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. 双方承诺和平解决争端。★ nutritious?adj. (of food) very good for you; containing many of the substances which help the body to grow 有营养的,营养丰富的 e.g. tasty and nutritious meals既可口又营养的饭菜 Fresh air and nutritious food will speed his recovery. 呼吸新鲜空气、吃有营养的食物会促进他身体的康复。 ★ handsomely ?adv. generously; attractively 相当优厚地;俊美地 e.g. a handsomely dressed man穿着潇洒的男子 The investment paid off handsomely.这笔投资获利丰厚。 ★ package v.n. v. to put sth into a box, bag, etc. to be sold or transported 包装…… ~ sth (up) 将……包装好 e.g. packaged food/goods包装好的食物/商品 The order were already



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