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(4) 翻译竞赛: 翻译竞赛译文评析 英译汉部分: 【竞赛原文之一】 Garibaldi in the Assembly About midday on June 30, while Manara was dying in the hospital, Garibaldi was galloping across the Tiber to the Capitol1, whither the Assembly of the Roman Republic had summoned him to attend its fateful session. He rode in haste, for though the fighting had died away, he would not consent to be absent from his post longer than one hour. He had missed death in the battle, and his heart was bitter within him.To add to his misery, news had just been brought that his faithful negro friend, Aguyar, who had so often guarded his life in the perils of war, had been killed by a shell whilst walking across a street in the Trastevere. Garibaldi, who was far above base racial pride, and regarded all men as brothers to be valued each according to his deserts, had given his love freely to the noble Othello,2 who in body and soul3 alike far surpassed the common type of white man, Sore at heart, and pre-occupied by bitter thoughts, he galloped up to the Capitol, dismounted, and entered the Assembly as he was, his red shirt covered with dust and blood, his face still moist with the sweat of battle, his sword so bent that it stuck half-way out of the scabbard. The members, deeply moved, rose to their feet and cheered, as he walked slowly to the tribune and mounted the steps. They had sent to ask his advice on the three plans, between which, as Mazzini had told them in his speech that morning, they were now reduced to choose. They could surrender; they could die fighting in the streets; or, lastly, they could make their exodus into the mountains, taking with them the Government and the army. This third plan was that which Garibaldi had for days past been urging on the Triumvirate, and he now pressed the Assembly to adopt it, in a brief and vigorous speech. He brushed aside the idea of continuing the defence of Rome. It could no longer, he showed them, be carried on even by street fighting4, for the Trastevere must be aband


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