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八年级下英语第三次月考试卷 Ⅰ.单项选择 (共20题,每题1分,满分20分) ( )1.When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with___ students. A.quite a few B.only a few C.few D.a few quite ( )2.The house is small for a family of six. A.much too B.too much C.very much D.so ( )3.Through the window we can see nothing but ____ buildings. A.tall very many B.very many tall C.very tall many D.many very tall ( )4.Maths is more popular than____. A.any other subject B. all the subjects C. any subject D.other subject ( )5.When spring comes, it gets____. A.warm and warm B.colder and colder C.warmer and warmer D.shorter and shorter ( )6.___ he read the book, ____ he got in it. A.The more; the more interesting B.The less; the more interesting C.The more; the more interested D.More; more interested ( )7.Im not ___ to lift the heavy box. A.short enough B.enough tall C.health enough D.strong enough ( )8.Wei Fang is only six, but she speaks English____ her mother. A.as good as B.as better as C.as well as D.as best as ( )9.We have never seen___ interesting films. A.such B.such an C.so D.such a ( )10.My ____ brother is three years ____ than I. A.elder; elder B.older; oldest C.elder; older D.older; elder ( )11.The man was not ___ when he heard the ___ words. A.frightening; frightening B.frightened; frightened C.frightening; frightened D.frightened; frightening ( )12.In summer eggs will go___ easily. A.terribly B.terrible C.badly D.bad ( )13.The___ boy was taken to the nearest hospital. A.ill B.sick C.good D.clever ( )14.Marys mother bought a____ coat for her yesterday. A. new big blue silk B. new blue silk big C. new silk blue big D. blue silk new big ( )15.I’m sorry I’m late. I should get here 10 minutes ________.


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