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一部好剧会让你在追的过程中看得很爽,但也可能让你患上post-drama depression(剧终抑郁症),“没有这部剧可看的明天要靠什么活下去?”你不由得感到空虚和悲伤。Post-drama depression refers to the feeling after a good television drama is over and you realize you have no life. The life without the TV drama seems so boring and meaningless.“剧终抑郁症”指的是一部好电视剧播完后的落寞感。你觉得没有这部剧可看的日子是多么的无聊而空虚。The feeling of emptiness and sadness usually strike you during the finale. It can continue from then till weeks or months after the drama finished. The only way to fully recover is to find another good TV show or drama.这种空虚和伤感通常在大结局播出时来袭。也许在该剧播完后几周甚至几个月你还郁郁寡欢。唯一的复原方法是找到下一步好看的电视剧或电视节目。example:A: Why are you so sad?B: I’ve just finished watching TV drama The Legend of Zhen Huan, and am having Post-drama depression.甲:你为何这么伤感呢?乙:我刚看完电视剧《甄嬛传》,患上了“剧终抑郁症”。有没有这样的朋友躺在你的朋友圈、facebook或者instagram上?他们基本上对你或者每一个你的朋友发的东西点赞,这样的人我们叫他easy like -- 点赞狂人。An easy like gives up their “likes” almost indiscriminately. Typically they will “like” almost any post you make, regardless of how mundane or unlikeworthy it actually was.一般来说,点赞狂人点赞无国界,他们对每一个东西都点赞,不管他们是否无聊或值得点赞。He “likes” your coffee, your phiz, even your book. It seems that “like” has become another way of expressing emotions whether happy, sad, boring or astonishing.一杯咖啡你点赞,一个表情你点赞,一本书你也点赞……无论快乐、悲伤、无聊或惊奇,点赞已经成为他们表达情感的另一种方式。?Example:Steve: Hey man, check it out. Laura “liked” my status from last night about me coming in 17th place in that bowling competition!Joe: Calm down bro, she’s such an easy like.史蒂夫:快看,劳拉赞了我昨晚那条在保龄球比赛中获得17名的状态!乔:淡定一点,她就是点赞狂人。们在观看电视纪录片《舌尖上的中国》时,自然会想到“吃货”这个词。“吃货”指“喜欢吃各类美食的人”。英语可以译为 foodie或 foody,人们用不同表述来定义 foodie,例如:1. A foodie/foody refers to someone who has an ardent and enthusiastic interest in the preparation and consumption of good food.“吃货”指对烹调和品尝美食有浓烈兴趣的人。2. A foodie/foody is a person who has a refined interest in good food and drink. A foodie seeks new food experiences as a hobby.“吃货”是对美食和美酒有雅趣的人。“吃货”把寻求新的美食经历作为嗜好。3. Numerous restaurants in this area offer foodies a choice of Chinese food, Indian foo


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