Mental Retardation (MR)精神发育迟滞(MR).ppt

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Mental Retardation (MR)精神发育迟滞(MR)

Mental Retardation (MR) Dr Shreedhar Paudel May, 2009 MR…… Mental retardation is a developmental disability marked by lower-than-normal intelligence and limited daily living skills Diminished learning capacity and does not adjust well socially Mental retardation is normally present at birth or develops early in life MR…. Mental retardation is defined by two standards first standard is a persons level of intelligence usually measured by special tests called intelligence tests Intelligence tests provide a numerical ranking of a persons mental abilities called an intelligence quotient or, more commonly, an IQ MR…. The second standard for mental retardation is adaptive skills means how well a person can deal with the tasks of everyday life the ability to speak and understand home-living skills use of community resources leisure, self-care, and social skills basic academic skills (reading, writing, and arithmetic); and work skills MR…. Intelligence Quotient:- Mental age divided by chronological age multiplied by 100 Degrees of mental handicap Mild→ 51--70 Moderate→ 36--50 Severe→ 21--35 Profound → 0--20 MR… I.Q level 71—90 → borderline intelligence (not included in mental handicap) Mild and moderate are educable and trainable Severe and profound are custodian MR… Mild Mental Retardation 85 percent of the mentally retarded population Individuals often live on their own with community support Moderate Mental Retardation 10 percent of the mentally retarded population Individuals often lead relatively normal lives provided they receive some level of supervision Often live in group homes with other mentally retarded people MR… Severe Mental Retardation 3% to 4% of the mentally retarded population master the most basic skills of living, such as cleaning and dressing themselves often live in group homes Profound Mental Retardation 1 % to 2% of the mentally retarded population develop basic communication and self-care skills often have other mental disorders M


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