Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Reloaded Fourth Edition:微软的Visual Basic 2010加载第四版.ppt

Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Reloaded Fourth Edition:微软的Visual Basic 2010加载第四版.ppt

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Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Reloaded Fourth Edition:微软的Visual Basic 2010加载第四版

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Learning a Programming Language Syntax Structure Rules Punctuation Reserved Words (keywords) eg. If, Else Visual Basic.NET is NOT case sensitive. MyCase is the same as myCase and MYCASE. Comment lines start with an apostrophe () * * Visual Studio? 2010 is Microsoft’s integrated development environment (IDE) for creating, running and debugging applications. The IDE allows you to create applications by dragging and dropping existing building blocks into place. This technique is called visual programming. It is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool because it is focused on productivity. Visual Studio 2010 IDE Visual Studio 2010 Languages Visual Basic.NET C# (pronounced C-Sharp) J# (pronounced J-Sharp) C++ (pronounced C plus plus) ASP.NET (web page creation) * Visual Basic 2010 Express Visual Basic Express is a compact development environment for creating Visual Basic.NET applications. Can create different types of applications Windows Applications (Windows Forms or WPF Application) Console Applications Reusable components or class libraries Cannot build web sites or web services with the Visual Basic Express Edition. * Some Advantages of Visual Basic 2010 Express IDE Greatly reduces amount of code you must write Automatically colors code depending what it is Comments are Green Keywords are Blue Organizes code in separate files IntelliSense Code Snippets Real-time compiler feedback Blue squiggle under code indicates an error Green squiggle under code indicates a possible error * Solutions and Projects Visual Basic organizes applications into solutions and projects. Solutions contain one or more projects. A project is a group of related files, such as code and images that might make up a program. * Solutions, Projects, and Files Creating a New Project Select either File New Project…, which creates a new project, or File Open Project…, which opens an existing project. From the Start


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