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get/be excited about sth/doing sth 对…感到兴奋 make mistakes (in) 犯错;出错 by mistake 错误地 mistake…for… 把……误认为…… challenge sb to sth/do sth 向某人挑战(做)某事 complete sth/to do sth (把未完成的事)完成 finish n./doing sth (把日常事物)做完 in secret 秘密地;偷偷地 keep sth a secret不让人知道某事 impress sb with sth=impress sth on sb 使感动;给……深刻印象 be impressed by/with欣赏;受感动 make an impression 留下印象 the first impression 第一印象create a good/bad impression 留下好的/不好的印象 deal with 处理 deal in +商品 做……生意 a big deal 一大笔买卖 unless=if…not… 如果不;除非 regard…as… 将……看作……;将……视为…… regard n.问候(不);问候;致意(可) later on 以后;随后;下回 look up 向上看 look at 朝……看 look up (in) 查阅 look after 照看 look for 寻找 improve on/upon 对……作出改进;做出比……更好的东西 improvement n.改善,改良,改进 have a lot of/much/no fun (+doing sth0 玩得很/不高兴 make fun of =laugh at 嘲笑;开……的玩笑 have / hold / carry on a conversation with sb 与某人交谈 not at all 根本不;一点也不 end up 结束;告终 end up doing sth end (up) with 以……结束;告终 end up as 最后成为…… be afraid to do sth 不敢做;害怕做(害怕而不敢做) be afraid that-从句 担心;恐怕 be afraid of doing =be afraid that=be afraid to do sth be afraid of doing sth 还可表示担心某事可能发生decide to do sth =decide on/upon sth 决定做某事 have trouble/difficulty/problem (in) sth/doing sth 在做某事方面有麻烦/困难/问题 listen for 怀着特定的目的去听 as a second language 作为另一种语言 worry about 为……担心 affect=influence=have an effect on 影响 complain about=complain of 抱怨…… compare…to…把…比作;与……相比 compare…with… 把……同……比较 the best ways to do sth/ of doing sth 做某事的最好的方法 have/has been doing sth 现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在 it matter (to sb ) +wh-从句/if 从句 (对某人而言)……(一事)是重要的 go by (指时间)过去;消逝 break off 突然中止;中断 speaking skills 口语技能 solve a problem 解决问题 to begain with 首先;第一 chew gum 嚼口香糖 read comics 看漫画书 head teacher 班主任 to one’s surprise 令某人惊奇的是…… on the swim team 游泳队队员(on=who is a member of 是……的一个成员;在……供职) fly in an airplane 坐飞机 be terrified of n./doing sth/代词 害怕(……原因) be terrified at n./doing sth/代词 因听到(看到)……而害怕 be terrified at the thought of 想到……而惊恐 be terrified at the idea of 想象……而惊恐


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