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语法之“一致”问题 (上篇) 一、语法一致 指的是大多数情况下可直接根据主语的单复数来判断谓语单复数形式 二、意义一致 可能出现主复谓单或主单谓复的情况 The class consists of 50 students. The class are watching TV. Fifty days at home was a long suffering period for him . Fifty days were used to design and carry out the program . 三、就近原则 no one except his relatives support him . neither …nor… either …or… not only…but also… there be … 主语为集体名词 表示整体概念用单数;强调单个成员用复数 常见的有:family, staff, team, audience, class, crowd, crew, cabinet(内阁), village, public, couple, faculty(全体教员), government, band, company, group, population 等 Do you know what’s the population of China ? 80 percent of Chinese population are farmers. Korean team has done an excellent job in World Cup 2002 . The football team are required to train in the playground every day . 当这些词加上s 表示复数意义时,谓语动词自然要用复数,无需再考虑是整体还是单个成员。 The football teams are gathering to greet each other . The couples have got their own forms to complete . 2、有些集体名词表示复数意义,所以谓语动词总是为复数形式,这样的集体名词通常表示有生命的群体:people, police, folk, gentry, clergy,militia, youth, personnel, cattle, vermin, poultry. The youth usually are easier to accept new things. The vermin have invades 30 million hectares of mostly uncultivated land . Pomestic poultry are seen everywhere in this village. * 名词单复数之间的对应 gentry----gentleman ,police----policeman, clergy----clergyman, militia----militiaman, cattle----cow. 3、有些集体名词表示无生命的概念,它们作主语时谓语用单数:scenery , equipment, , furniture , clothing , poetry , stationary(驻军) , merchandise(商品) , hardware, machinery ,. jewelry, baggage, luggage等 In water enough clothing is very necessary . 4、主语以s结尾的名词,谓语常作单数的有 (1) 学科名词:methematics , physics, politics, optics(光学) , electronics, mechanics , statistics, economics, linguistics, ethics, classics, athletics (2) 疾病名词:diabetes(糖尿病), AIDS, (3) 某些游戏名称:marbles, draughts(国际跳棋), fives(墙手球) * cards 虽然也是游戏的一种, 但它的谓语一般用复数形式 5、一些以s 结尾的复数名词, 或者常用作复数, 或者只有复数形式(注意领会意思), 它们的谓语动词一般用复数形式,常用的有:clothes, goods, suburbs ,wages , customs , earnings , clippings(修剪), diggings, surroundings ,do


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