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Event, Date, Location, Author Historical 历史 In 2005 and 2006 “Stiftung Warentest” (independent German consumer protection organization) examines consumer goods and found alarming levels of PAH amongst other chemicals 在2005年和2006年间, “Stiftung Warentest” (一家独立的德国消费者保护组织)发现在一些消费产品的以下部件材料中含有多环芳香烃化合物, - in rubber handles of tools 在工具的塑胶手柄上 - In plastic handles of pushchairs, electrical appliances and torches 在手推车、电子产品和火把的手柄上 Historical 历史 Only a few regulations exist at that time, such as 当时仅存一些规定, 如: - 76/769/EC, - 2005/69/EC,PAHs in extender oils and tyres restriction directive 多环芳香烃化合物在添加剂油和轮胎中的限制指令 - 2005/10/EC (benzo [a] pyrene in food) (食品中苯并(a)芘) Experts Discussion in Berlin dated 2 Aug 2005 2005年8月2日柏林的专家会议, Below organizations join the discussion 由以下组织参加: Retailer, independent testing laboratories, Stiftung Warentest and BfR (German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) 零售商、独立的检测实验室、 Stiftung Warentest 和BFR(德国联邦风险评估研究院) Voluntary guideline with limits for 16 PAHs listed in EPA 3610 给出了自愿性方针,参考了EPA3610的清单列出了16种禁用的多环方香烃化合物, Recommendation to be PAH free on sensitive products (eg toy and care products for infants/toddlers and commodity goods in contact with foodstuffs) 推荐了对于一些敏感产品中不含有多环芳香烃化合物的规定(如玩具、婴儿和儿童护理产品和食品接触性商品) Historical 历史 Recall:In Germany and Belgium, from Jul, 2005 to Jul, 2007, there were a at least US$100M products which were recalled, without any correlative law or directive. 招回案例:在德国和比利时,从2005年7月到2007年7月份已经至少有超过1亿美金的产品 在没有明确指令和法律的情况下涉及被商家招回。PAHs被认为有致癌作用。 From April 1st 2008, GS Mark certified will have to comply with new requirements covering Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). 从2008年4月1日开始,GS产品认证都必须加入新的要求 – 多环芳香烃化合物。 This GS is as well as the relevant safety standards. GS是相应安全标准的认证。 Previously the voluntary PAH requirement becomes mandatory. 以前自愿性的多环芳香烃化合物PAHs的要求变成强制性的了。 With the decision of the c


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