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Chapter 1 文艺复兴时期 I. Edmund Spenser Epithalamion 贺新婚曲 The Faerie Queene 仙后 ? ? 选文为The Faerie Queene II.Christopher Marlowe Tamburlaine 铁木耳转 Dr. Faustus? ?浮士德悲剧 The Jew of Malta 马乐他岛的犹太人 Edward II 爱德华二世 Hero and Leander 海洛与勒安德尔 选文为Dr. Faustus ; The Passionate Shepherd to His Love III. William Shakespeare Rape of Lucrece? ?鲁克斯受辱记 Venus and Adonis 维纳斯与安东尼斯 Titus Andronicus? ?泰托斯安东尼 The Comedy of Errors? ?错误的喜剧 The Two Gentlemen of Veroma? ?维洛那二绅士 The Taming of the Shrew? ?驯悍记 Love’s Labour’s Lost? ???爱的徒劳 Richard II? ?理查二世 King John? ?约翰王 Henry IV, Parts I and II, Henry V Six Comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦 The Merchant of Venice? ???威尼斯商人 Much Ado About Nothing? ?无事无非 As You Like It? ?? ?? ?皆大欢喜 Twelfth Night? ?? ?? ?第十二夜 The Merry Wise of Windsor? ?温莎的风流娘儿们 Two Tragedies: Romeo and Juliet? ?? ? 罗米欧与朱丽叶 Julius Caesar? ?? ?? ?凯撒 Hamlet Othello King Lear Macbeth Antony and Cleopatra? ?安东尼与克里佩特拉 Troilus and Cressida, and Coriolanus 特洛伊勒斯与克利西达 All’ Well That Ends Well? ?(comedy) 终成成眷属 Measure for Measure? ???(comedy) 一报还一报 Pericles? ?? ?? ?伯里克利 Cymbeline? ?? ? 辛白林 The Winter’s Tale? ???冬天的故事 The Tempest? ?? ? 暴风雨 Henry VIII The Two Noble Kinsmen两位贵族亲戚 选文为Sonnet 18; The Merchant of Venice; Hamlet IV. Francis Bacon The Advancement of Learning? ?论科学的价值与发展 Novum Organum? ?? ?? ?新工具 Apophthagmes New and Old? ?新旧格言录 The History of the Reign of Henry VII The New Atlantis? ?? ?? ?新大西岛 Maxims of Law? ?法律原理 The Learning Reading upon the Statute of Uses法令使用读书 选文Of Studies V. John Donne The Elegies and Satires 挽歌与十四行诗 The Songs and Sonnets 歌谣与十四行诗 Holy Sonnets? ?? ? 圣十四行诗 A Hymns to God the Father 给圣父的赞美诗 选文The Rising Sun; Death Be Not Proud VI. John Milton Paradise Lost? ?失乐园 Paradise Regain 复乐园 Samson Agonistes力士参孙 Lycidas? ?? ? 利西达斯 Areopagitica? ?论出版自由 Chapter 2 新古典主义时期 I. John Bunyan The Pilgrim’s Progress 天路历程 Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners 罪人头目的赫免 The Life and Death of Mr. Badman 拜德门先生生死录 The Holy War? ?? ?? ?? ? 圣战 选文The Vanity Fair (from the Th


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