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记者招待会词汇扩展 国情 national conditions 全面建设小康社会 to build a well-of society in an- all-round way 税费改革 tax-for-fee reform 粮食购销体制改革 grain distribution system reform 政府机构改革 institutional reform of the government 重中之重 the priority among priorities 西部大开发战略 the west development strategy 优惠政策 preferential policies 浮动汇率 floating exchange rate 海外媒体 overseas media 政治体制改革 political re-constructuring 反腐工作 anti-corruption campaign 清正、廉洁、高效的政府 a clean, honest, diligent and efficient government 依法治国 run the country in accordance with the law 金融资产管理公司 an asset-management company 国债 treasury bonds 元老 a founding father 最新事态 the latest development 世界风云变幻 highly volatile international situation 箭在弦上,一触即发 The arrow has already been placed on the bow. It is a touch and go situation 一线希望 one gleam of hope 上层建筑 superstructure 精简机构 downsize the institutions 吃财政饭 to be on the government’s payroll 土地换和平 Land for Peace 补充提一个问题 to ask a follow-up question 民间资本 funds from the social sectors 劳动力 workforce 海纳百川 All rivers enter into the ocean. 政治献金 political contributions; campaign financing 畅所欲言 to fully express one’s opinion 取得积极成果 to achieve positive results 请恕我冒昧 if I may, with respect 盛大的阅兵式 a grand military review 上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization 睦邻友好关系 good-neighborly and friendly relations 战略协作伙伴关系 strategic cooperation and partnership 着眼大局,立足长远 to bear in mind the larger picture and take a long-term perspective 不是结盟就是对抗 either alliance or confrontation 十届人大五次会议 the fifth session of the tenth NPC 劳动和社会保障部 Ministry of the Labor and Social Security 民政部 Minister of Civil Affairs 临时救助 ad hoc assistance 富余劳动力 surplus labor


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