2016年高考英语复习题:课时8 形容词.doc

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2016年高考英语复习题:课时8 形容词

课时8 形容词、副词和动词(动词短语) 【课标词 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.During the Spring Festival,he ________ a flexible ________ where he ________the study with entertainment so that he could accomplish the academic task as well as enjoy a series of annual concerts. 春节期间,他设计一个灵活的时间表,把学习和娱乐结合起来,那么他既能完成学术任务,也能享受一系列每年一次的音乐会。 2.To ________ the 60th anniversary of motherland,enthusiastic people ________ at the square,applauding and ________,and sent sincere wish to motherland that China would reach a new level in every aspect after they appreciated the magnificent military parade. 为了庆祝祖国60周年,热情的人们聚集在广场欣赏完壮观的阅兵礼后,鼓掌欢呼,送出最真挚的祝福 3.Once the consequence of the ________ conducted by the diplomats is ________,on most occasions,it seems inevitable for the governments to ________the most extreme and __ measure—war at all costs. 一旦外交官协商的结果令人失望,在大多数情况下,政府似乎不可避免地会采取最极端恐怖的手段——不惜一切地发动战争。 4.Although some parts of the ________ were illegible,the elaborate masterpiece in the exhibition ________ illustrated a magnificent ________ scene in which our ancestors went ________ and resisted the wild beast. 尽管部分表面已变得不能辨认,展会上,这幅精美绝伦的绘画杰作展示了一幅栩栩如生的祖先打猎、与野兽抵抗的场景。 5.Under the influence of the science fiction,the hardworking technician was stimulated to ________ more knowledge to invent a portable air conditioner ________ electrical fans,which ________ only 2.5 kilograms. 在科幻小说的影响下2.5千克。 6.Anyone with the ________ sense will ________ angrily to the fact that the aggressive one who once hijacked 2 hostages was assigned to aid in a charity fair as an assistant. 任何有常识的人对这个事实的反应都是气愤,那个极具攻击性的人曾经挟持了2名人质,居然以助手的身份被派去一个慈善义卖会帮忙。 7.Due to peoples ________ about hunger issues and shrinking farmland,more fund and technology tend to be ________in the awkward problems ________ with starvation and nutrition. 由于担心饥荒和耕地面积越来越小,人们趋向于将更多的钱和技术投入令人头痛的饥饿和营养问题。 8.His departure ________ meant that he refused to ________ the career his parents had paved the way for,because he planned to ________ a special law agency featuring serving justice


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