雅思写作 句式结构.doc

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雅思写作 句式结构

雅思写作 句式结构原则:主谓宾是骨头,逻辑连接词是骨头间的韧带,其他修饰词则是肌肉。 名词从句=名词 What I am proficient in is ancient Chinese literature. That’s where he met me. Those Those+adj/ving/ved/to v/介词,代表一类人或物 All those eligible will receive a cash handout. The new law clearly benefits those earning the most money. Only 18 percent of those surveyed opposed the idea. Im going to sort these old books into those to be kept and those to be thrown away. Have some consideration for those without a job. Those+从句who(人)/which(物)/whose(表归属)/in which(表位置),Those相当于一个名词 Only those who had booked in advance were allowed in. We must try to find out those which may be attacked most easily. This disease is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already below par. The poems which he wrote in the countryside are generally agreed to be those in which he found his true voice. He who can be a best servant can be a best leader. 在句子中,任何名词随时都可以用 ved/ving/介词/形容词来修饰,可以使得单句也有复杂结构,却比定语从句简单 疑问词+to+v I am considering how to manage this assignment But who is to judge what is virtue and what is vice? 动词分词做定语(ving, ved),可以替代定语从句 His work as a consultant consisted in advising foreign companies on the siting of new factories. 句子,especially+名词或者从句. 这样可以对句子进行更加精确的描述。 Members of a competitive team can always keep them motivated, especially when confronted with tough situation and fierce competition. …, if any. (表示如果有…的话) State your hypothesis or theory, if any. What, if anything, should the law do about it? Rather, 单独出现表示“更准确的说” Rather, parents should employ a variety of methods to discipline their children. 用插入语. 补充信息,增强节奏感:两种形式:逗号或者横线隔开 But in a market society, the economists observed, prices are set by demand and supply. They are no more “special” or “fair” than other prices that market conditions—including those promoted by a hurricane—may bring about. 补充信息。 Higher prices have the advantages, economists argued, of limiting the use of such things by consumers. 转述说的话时,“某某说”可以做插入语。 Jeff, a pro-market commentator writing the b


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