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当代散文练习1.The dangers of scofflawry vary wildly.)w lawless activities today add up to a colossal public 10)n 1)illegally2)remains3)risk4)company5)waste6)beater7)than 8)dangerous 9)whose 10)nuisance.2.“Never 1. p off till tomorrow,” 2. e Lord Chesterfield in 1749, “9. f that even the most well-intentioned men have been 10. p ever.答案:1. put 2. exhorted 3. what 4. That 5. around 6. habit 7. like 8. heels 9. fact 10. Postponers3.So Grant and Lee were in complete contrast, 1)rhis weaknesses from the 10)p he led.1)representing 2)opposed 3)man 4)on 5)cities 6)down 7)hand 8)over 9)both 10)people4.The teacher as mountaineer learns, as E. M. Forster urged, to connect.--w the wider national life beyond the classroom where pertinent.1. together 2. other 3. by 4. written 5. instructional 6. makes 7. its 8. where 9. joining 10. with 5.So Grant and Lee were in complete contrast, 1)r two diametrically 2)o____ elements--from the 10)p he led.1)representing 2)opposed 3)man 4)on 5)cities 6)down 7)hand 8)over 9)both 10)people答案:翻译下划线的词语1. Appetite is the keenness of living: strong desire to live on2. you are still curious to exist: eager3. you still have an edge on your longings: are still driven by strong desires4. taste its multitudinous flavours and juices: numerous5. I dont mean the lust for food: overwhelming desire6. any burning in the blood: any strong desire that you have7. who never got their hearts desire: were never satisfied8. Ive always preferred wanting to having: being in the state of wanting something to having something9. the whole toffeeness of toffees: appeal for a child to eat toffees10.imperceptibly diminished: unaccountably答案:1. transmute trivial impulses into momentous consequences: be inspired by seemingly unimportant sudden ideas for the success in great achievements2. what he can do with physiological pressures


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