英语专业第二册泛读unit 4 Vocabulary.doc

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英语专业第二册泛读unit 4 Vocabulary

Vocabulary 一.Text 第一段第三行Handy:adj. [usually before noun] skilful in using your hands or tools to make or repair things She is handy with a sewing machine. 第二段第一行Dilapidated:adj(of furniture and buildings) old and in very bad condition. The building wore a dilapidated look. 第二段第三行Vacant: (of a seat, hotel room, house, etc)empty; not being used. The seat next to him was vacant. 第三段Reedy: (of a voice or sound) high and not very pleasant. He spoke with a reedy, quavering voice.他用颤抖而尖细的声音说话 第四段第二行Frail: (especially of an old person) physically weak and thin. Mother was becoming too frail to live alone. 第四段第四行Sinew: strength The athletes waited, with all their sinews tensed. 第四段第三行Hawk: a strong fast bird of prey(=a bird kills other creatures for food) 鹰,隼 He waited, watching her like a hawk(=watching her very closely)他等待着,用鹰一样锐利的目光紧盯着她。 第六段第一行Dim: not easy to see in or into because of inadequate模糊不清的 In the water, the dim shapes of the swimmers had disappeared. 第六段第二行Coordinate: to organize the different pars of an activity and people involved in it so that it works well. They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team. 第十一段Handiwork: work that you do, or sth that you have made, especially using your artistic skill. We admired her exquisite handiwork. 第十二段第二行Luscious: having a strong pleasant taste. Tropical zones breed luscious fruilts. 第十三段第一行Pleasantry: (pl-ies) (formal)a friendly remark made in order to be polite. After exchanging the usual pleasantries, they got down to serious discussion. 第十四段第一行Pole: a long thin piece of wood or metal, especial one with the end placed in the ground, used as a support. In my attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole. 第十四段第十一行utility pole [countable] American EnglishTCT a tall wooden pole for supporting telephone and electric wires 第十七段第二行Swish: to move or make something move quickly through the air with a quiet sound: Her skirt swished as she walked. 第十七段第二行Broom: a large brush with a long handl


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