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福建师范大学网络学院 ? 《高级英语(三)》期末考试 I. Vocabulary D1. The more he finds about himself in other newspapers, the more indignant he will be with those whose reports are meagre. A. rich B. brilliant C. annoying D. scarce C2. They had plenty to eat. But they spent all their leisure visiting neighbouring farms and stealing potatoes, which they hoarded. A. swallowed B. ate up C. stored secretly D. gave back 3. Some acts which would be bad, simply in themselves, may be excusable and even laudable when they are necessary means to a greater good. A. laughable B. forgiven C. praiseworthy D. admissible 4. Satiety is a dream which will always elude you. A. attract B. lure C. escape D. tempt A5. The search for sunken treasure has become more popular as a legitimate endeavor. A. justified B. innocent C. prudent D. fundamental B6. Awareness of this is a kind of redemptive grace, but it doesn’t appreciably lead to repentance and a revolution in consumer habits. A. conscious B. compensative C. imaginative D. appreciative C7. America is anachronistic in so many ways, and not least in its clinging to a belief. A. modern-fashioned B. full of crimes C. behind the times D. highly-developed 8. He felt ________ to live a simple and lonely life in that remote village. A. sufficient B. adequate C. contented D. competent 9. Crop rotation has prevented the soil from _______. A. poverty B. impoverishment C. weakness D. infirmity 10. He remembered reading somewhere that baldness shows virility. A. character of man B. great varieties C. quickness D. fragility D11. His voice, though familiar, irked him; it sounded thin and scratchy. A. pleased B. interested C. excited D. irritated 12. There are certain disfiguring and mortal diseases about which there has probably never been any snobbery. A. perpetual B. fatal C. moral D. flexible 13. In 1940 the Democrats nominated Roosevelt for an unprecedented third term. A. unimportant B. unheard of C. unjustified D.


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