图像处理报告 第五章所有报告 冈萨雷斯 全英文 原创 Digital Image Processing.doc

图像处理报告 第五章所有报告 冈萨雷斯 全英文 原创 Digital Image Processing.doc

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图像处理报告 第五章所有报告 冈萨雷斯 全英文 原创 Digital Image Processing

Digital Image Processing Project chapter: Chapter 5 Project number: Proj05-01 ~ Proj05-04 Students name: Students number: Class: Contents Noise Generators 2 Noise Reduction Using a Median Filter 2 Periodic Noise Reduction Us ing a Notch Filter 4 Parametric Wiener Filter 7 Noise Generators Exp. 16,PROJECT 05-01 [Multiple Uses] Objective To know how to generate noise images with different probability density functions (distributions). The noise im ages are useful in simulation for image enhancement and image restoration. Requirements This is a generic project, in the sense that the programs developed here are used in several of the projects that follow. See Fig. 5.2 for the shapes and parameters of the following noise probability density functions. (a) Find (or develop) a program to add Gaussian noise to an image. You must be able to sp ecify the noise mean and variance. (b) Find (or develop) a program to add salt-and-pepper (impulse) noise to an image. You must be able to specify the probabilities of each of the two noise components. Figure 1 Fig5.03.jpg Program listings I=imread(Fig5.03.jpg); r = imnoise(I,gaussian,0,0.01); m = 5000; subplot(2,2,1); imshow(r); title(original) subplot(2,2,2) imhist(r,m); title(gaussian); r1 = imnoise(I,salt pepper); m = 100; subplot(2,2,3) imshow(r1); title(add noise); subplot(2,2,4) imhist(r1,m); title(salt pepper); Discussion of results Figure 2 results of project 05-01 Noise Reduction Using a Median Filter Exp. 17,PROJECT 05-02 Objective To understand the non-linearity of median filtering and its noise suppressing ability, especially for the pepper-noises, the salt-noises and the pepper-and-salt noises. Requirements (a) Modify the program that you developed in Project 03-04 to perform 3 x 3 median filtering. (b) Dow


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