十种压力大 让人容易抑郁的工作.docx

十种压力大 让人容易抑郁的工作.docx

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十种压力大 让人容易抑郁的工作

十种压力大让人容易抑郁的工作1. Nursing home/child-care workers 1. 保姆/护工  Personal-care providers top the list, with nearly 11% of people in this field reporting a bout of major depression. (The rate is 13% in the unemployed; 7% in the general population。) “It is stressful, seeing people sick and not getting a lot of positive reinforcement。” 保姆/护工的压力排名第一。将近11%的保姆有过一次严重抑郁的经历。(该比率在失业者中是13%,在普通人群中的是7%。) “这份工作的压力真的非常大,整天照看病人,又始终得不到正面的反馈支持。”有护工这样说。  A typical day can include feeding, bathing, and caring for others who are “often incapable of expressing gratitude or appreciation…because they are too ill or too young or they just arent in the habit of it,” says Christopher Willard, clinical psychologist at Tufts University and author of Childs Mind. 塔夫斯大学的临床精神科专家和儿童心理学的作者克里斯托佛威尔德(Christopher Willard)说,保姆或护工每天的工作就是给那些没有办法表达感激的人喂食、洗澡和提供照顾,而那些被照顾的人要么病得太重、要么年纪太小,要么根本不习惯表达感谢。  2. Food service staff2. 餐厅服务员  Ranking just below professional-care workers are the people who are serving the food at your favorite local digs. Wait staff often get low pay and can have exhausting jobs with numerous people telling them what to do each day. While 10% of workers in general reported an episode of major depression in the past year, almost 15% of women in this field did so. 排在保姆/护工之后的是饭馆服务员。这些人通常工资很低又工作辛苦,每天都有数不清的人告诉他们应该做什么。 有10%的工作者在过去一年经历过严重抑郁,而有15%的餐厅女服务员也是这样。  “This is often a very thankless job,” Legge says. “People can be really rude and there is a lot of physical exertion. When people are depressed, it is hard to have energy and motivation—when you have to be on, it is difficult。”莱格博士说“饭馆服务员是个费力不讨好的工作。接受服务的人有时真的很粗鲁,同时这项工作又非常需要体力。人们沮丧时,很难获得工作的能量和动力,但同时又不得不拼命工作,这确实非常困难。”  3. Social workers3. 社工  Its probably not a huge surprise to find social workers near the top of this list. Dealing with abused children or families on the brink of every imaginable crisis—combined with bureaucratic red tape—can make for a demanding, stressful job thats often 24-7. 社工位于这项调查的前列应该并不奇怪。每天都要面对不可想象的危机——受虐的儿童,濒临破碎的家庭,再加上官僚作风


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