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 With the increase of demand of energy resources of oil and gas, should people look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched areas? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas?  第一段社会背景+正向/反向观点+自己观点  如今,能源需求问题,尤其是能源开采,是各国政府面临的一个重大问题。一些人建议在偏远以及未经开采的地区开发化石燃料,我对此持有不同的观点,  Energy demand, specifically energy exploration, has become a significant issue that the government has to confront with and appropriately tackle. Some propose that we need to exploit fossil fuels in remote or unexploited areas. Nevertheless, I hold an opponent perspective toward such a notion. =45  第二段:论点+论据+(此种社会现象的)问题+ (个人)建议/解决方案  首先,在偏远地区开采化石燃料所产生的直接问题体现在生存环境的进一步恶化.毋庸置疑,当地的生态体系以及生态环境会遭到极大的危害. 必须承认地是,作为经济的推动力,全世界对能源需求日益整张,因此,能源供应与能源需求的差距也在加大。然而解这一问题,应该研发节约能源,以及有效利用能源的新技术,在能源枯竭之前,而不是继续这种恶性循环.  To begin with, a distinct problem emerging from exploiting fossil fuels in remote areas is the further deterioration of survival environment. Undeniably, local ecological system and environment will suffer great harm. Admittedly, most areas are thirsty for an increasing quantity of energy as it is a pivotal driving power to economy; on the other hand, the gap between the supply of energy and the demand for more energy continues to widen. However, to deal with this issue depends on research and utilization of advanced energy technologies instead of continuing a vicious system that can detriment our ecological environment. =89  第三段:论点 +论据 +例证  其次,解决能源需求问题,行之有效的方式是可替代能源的使用.这是一个使得我们有一个更加安全更加清洁的生存环境的最好的选择. 几乎每一年,政府都要投入大量的资金解决由化石燃料引发的环境问题,如空污染以及水污染.如果这些钱投入到使用可替代的能源,环境问题会解决。  Moreover, to cope with the problem of energy demands, the application of alternative sources of energy may be a well-established path. It is one of the best options to make residential areas cleaner and safer. Most countries require investment of a great deal of funds every year to work out environmental issues caused by utilizing fossil fuels, such as air contamination and water pollution. If the capital could


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