会议接待基本准备 会议摆台.doc

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会议接待基本准备 会议摆台

Meeting Floor Plan 会议台型布置: Theatre style (Picture Attached) 剧院式布置:(附图) Apply to lecture meeting (Normally most participants) 适用于讲座式会议(人数较多); LCP and Screen will be required for presentation 提供投影,屏幕以供演示使用; Flexible set up, Make the best of space and be easy to add or reduce number of seats. 特点:布置较灵活,充分利用空间,可随时增加(减少)与会人数; Ice water station and coffee station will be required. 需要设置红茶台、咖啡台和矿泉水 Classroom Style (Picture Attached) 教室式布置:(附图) Apply to the meeting that participants have to make note. 适用与会者需作笔录的讲座式会议; LCP and Screen will be required for presentation 提供投影,屏幕以供演示使用; The set-up take a lot of space and participants are limited. 占用空间较多,人数受限制; Generally, Head table will be required to set up. 一般要设主席台; Ice water, mints, pencil, paper will be set on the table. 提供矿泉水,薄荷糖; 铅笔和纸 Theatre style and Classroom style can be mixed. 与前者剧院式布置可结合使用; “U” Shape (Picture Attached) “U”字式布置:(附图) Apply to small seminar or lecture. 适用小型研讨会或讲座; Normally, Low plant are required to put in center of “U” or if not, lecturer can walk freely in center of “U” 中间空间较大,放置植物或者让讲师自由走动; Limited participants 人数受限制。 LCP and Screen will be required for presentation 提供投影,屏幕以供演示使用; Ice water, mints, pencil, paper will be set on the table. 提供矿泉水,薄荷糖; 铅笔和纸 Hollow Square (Picture Attached) “回”字式布置:(附图) Setup of Hollow Square is similar to “U” shape, but participants can be seated around the table. 基本布置同”U”字型,四周均坐人; Plants will be required to place in the center. 中间空间较大,布置植物装饰; LCP and Screen will not be required generally. 一般不用投影,屏幕等设备; Ice water, mints, pencil, paper will be set on the table. 提供矿泉水,薄荷糖; 铅笔和纸 Board Table (Pictured Attached) 长桌式布置:(附图) Apply to small meeting that participants are below 20. 适用于20人以下的小型会议; LCP can be placed on the meeting table. 投影设备可直接放置在台上; Participants can be seated around table when LCP is not available. 不用投影设备时可四周坐人; Flower is required on the center of table. 中间可放置花装饰; Ice water, mints, pencil, paper will be set on the table. 提供矿泉水,薄荷糖; 铅笔和纸 Cabaret Table 小圆桌式布置:(附图) Ap


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