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第一题 单项选择题。请将正确答案填入括号内 例题: Eating more vegetables can help you keep ___________ good health. ????? A.with???????????? B.at??????????????? C.in?????????? D.for(? )2,My families all went camping __________ my sister.She had to study for a test at home. ????? A.with????????????? B.against?????????? C.except????? D.besides (? )3,Tom didn’t eat dinner __________ he finished his homework.He worked very hard. ????? A.or?????????????? B.while???????????? C.if?????????? D.until ( ? ) —No.?He’s?been?looking?forward?to the?Pyramids.?? A.?visit???????B.?visited????????C.?visits??????????D.?visiting? 第题 完型填空。 Dinah was a very 1azy girl.Her mother always asked her to learn to read, __1 __she didnt.It was disappointing.Her mother was __2__ about that. One morning,Dinah just __3__ and was looking through the window.She saw her cousin skating on the __4__.He was wearing a pair of shoes she had never __5__ before.It was a pair of roller-skates(旱冰鞋).Dinah thought it was interesting to __6__ on the street.She got up quickly and went outside.She asked her cousin if she __7__ try his shoes on.Her cousin said to her,”I know that your __8__ has been asking you to learn to read,but you haven’t 1earned.It is just because you are __9__.If you can read by New Year’s Day,1 will send you a pair of __10__ like this.”? ? From then on,Dinah read every day and began to like reading.On New Year’s Day she received a pair of roller—skates from her cousin. (? )1.A.but??????????? B.and???????????? C.or????????????? D.as (? )2.A.excited???????? B.upset?????????? C.surprised???????? D.relaxed (? )3.A.fell asleep?????B.got out???????? C.woke up????????? D.came in (? )4.A.street?????????? B.lake???????? ?? C.park???????????? D.ice (? )5.A.visited????????? B.heard????????? C.written?????????? D.seen (? )6.A.walk?????????? B.ride??????????? C.skate???????????? D.dance (? )7.A.should????????? B.could?????????? C.must?????????? ? D.would (? )8.A.mother???????? B.teacher????????C.father??


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