Much to Live For 生命的追求——原声版2011年1月号美文.doc

Much to Live For 生命的追求——原声版2011年1月号美文.doc

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Much to Live For 生命的追求——原声版2011年1月号美文

Much to Live For 生命的追求——原声版2011年1月号美文 2011-1-13 Much to Live For ?生命的追求 There is so much I have not been, so much I have not seen. I have not thought and have not done or felt enough—the early sun, rain and the seasonal delight of flocks of ducks and geese in flight, the mysteries of late-at-night. I still need time to read a book, write poems, paint a picture, look at scenes and faces dear to me. There is something more to be of value—something I should find within myself—as peace of mind, patience, grace and being kind. I shall take and I shall give, while yet, there is so much to live for—rainbows, stars that gleam, the fields, the hills, the hope, the dreams, the truth that one must seek. Ill stay here—treasure every day and love the world in my own way! 生命中,有那么多我未曾经历过,有那么多我未曾见识过。 有很多事情,我未曾想够、做够或体会够——朝阳、雨水、由成群飞翔的鸭鹅带来的季节性喜悦以及那些午夜的神秘。我还需要时间读书、写诗、作画、观赏景色以及我所爱的脸庞。还有更多具有价值的东西——那些我应该在自己内心发现的东西——心灵的宁静、耐心、优雅与仁慈。我要获取,我也要施予,然而还有许多值得为之而活——彩虹、闪烁的星星、田野、山丘、希望、梦想以及人必须追求的真理。  我会在此——珍惜每一个时日并且用自己的方式惜爱这个世界! Fire from Heaven 天堂之火 ? ? Excerpt from Chapter Four ? ? ????前文提要:亚历山大根据以往经验和现场细心的观察,断定这匹在众人眼中野性未驯、难成大器的马是上佳的良驹,便当众与父王打赌:如果他能骑上去,这匹马就属于他;否则,则要自己付款,买下这匹“天价”的烈马…… ? Alexander remembered, then, that he had not asked when the horse was first called Thunder, or if it had had another name. It had said plainly enough that Thunder was the word for 1)tyranny and pain. It must have a new name, then. He walked round, keeping his shadow behind, looking at the horned blaze under the blowing 2)forelock. “Oxhead,” he said, falling into Macedonian, the speech of truth and love. “Boukephalas, Boukephalas.” The horse’s ears went up. At the sound of this voice, the hated presence had lost power and been driven away. What now? It had lost all trust in men. It 3)snorted, and pawed the ground in warning. Alexander said to the groom, “I’ll take him. You needn’t wait.” “Oh, no, sir! When you’re mounted, my lord. My lord, they’ll hold me accountable.” “No, he’s mine now. Just give me his head with


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