研究生英语综合教程(课件中词组) 熊海虹.doc

研究生英语综合教程(课件中词组) 熊海虹.doc

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研究生英语综合教程(课件中词组) 熊海虹

研究生英语综合教程 熊海虹 Unit 1 Planning Your Future Career Part II (4-12) Traits of key players: Trait 1: The selfless collaborator Trait 2: A sense of urgency Trait 3: Risk tolerance Trait 4: Strength in interpersonal relationships Para. 1 hear about… (be) involved in… a handful of… count on… get the job done can’t live without be essential to… Para. 2 part of (the story, a family) (be) intended to (do sth) make a change place a bet on… Para. 3 an educated guess one’s job as a (nurse) identify sb as… Para. 4 a great deal (talk a great deal about) deserve doing stand out Para. 5 have a hard time doing… make the transition work together with… in pursuit of (be) combined with… Para. 6 a contributor to… transition to a division of (3M) annual revenues a sense of urgency Para. 7 which means… one way that (sb does sth) not only…but… have the courage to do sth act on (one’s convictions) not exclusive to… Para. 8 be ok with… the ability to do sth make decisions stick one’s neck out Para. 9 (be) defined by… comfort with get to the answer as much as fall in love with (be) based on… mean to… A skill set Para. 10 a piece of… take chances be comfortable/have comfort talking about.. (be) made up Para. 11 make the transition to… on the business side of things make the difference spend one’s time doing sth people skills be valued and measured Para. 12 it would be a mistake to… in great measure work with… a broad variety of… up and down the organization Unit 4 Love and Loving Relationships Para. 1 both…and… be essential for… (a) source of be deprived of be known to (do sth) a wide variety of last a lifetime In contrast Gain weight Score high on (an exam) Para. 2 to receive care get along with (sb/sth) do well at/in school react to… form and maintain a relationship It is for these reasons that… Para. 3 self-love the way (sb does sth) self-centered describe…as… self-esteem: confidence in one‘s own worth or abilities; self-respect 自尊(心),自信 be open to (criticism) be demanding of (oth


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