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绿城黄浦湾小楼书 1 传奇所在的地方 2 在百年上海的梦幻外滩, 绿城用岁月的深邃眼界, 看到一部不朽钜作。 以这座城市与这个时代的经典, 续写另一段传奇。 Bund Shanghai dream in a hundred years, Greentown vision with years of deep, See a monumental blockbuster. To the city and the era of the classic, Continue to write another legend. Chapter one 渊源Origin 江畔诗歌不歇,海上徐风不息。 River poetry prodigiously, endless sea breeze blowing 3 历史向左靠岸 1840年,英国人巴富尔选择外滩建立通商口岸,从第一艘货轮在黄浦江左岸的十六铺码头停靠,世界各国的人们怀着梦想浩荡而来,从此,中国开始了一段绽放至今的传奇史诗。 In 1840, the British Balfour select the Bund established trading ports, a freighter from the left bank of the Huangpu River Shiliupu docking, the worlds people with a mighty dreams come from, since China began a period of bloom The legendary epic. 十六铺码头 黄浦湾所在的十六铺码头,是上海的起源之处。 凡150年Bund where the Shiliupu terminal, is at the origin of Shanghai. Where 150 years, is the connection terminal Shiliupu stretching along the Yangtze River between Shanghai and Chinas nameplate. The terminal has space to accommodate nearly ten thousand people, today has become a magnificent view of hydrophilic platform. But the century-old mark, such as the medal is still generally retained, still called Shiliupu Shiliupu Pier Terminal. Time can change form and function, it is still a legendary legend. 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 4 自由 平等 守信Free Equal Trustworthy 商贾主义的最先起点就在外滩。时任上海海关总司的英国人赫德,把契约精神带入上海,令上海成为当时世界商业经济中心之一。自由、平等、守信,在外滩这一块小小的土地,是所有传奇背后最骄傲的坚持。 The first starting point of doctrine merchants in the Bund. Secretary General of Shanghai Customs when the British Hurd, the spirit of the contract into Shanghai, Shanghai has become the economic center was one of the worlds commercial. Freedom, equality, and trustworthy, that a small piece of land in the Bund is the most proud of all the behind the legend persist. 契约精神Spirit of Contract Mayflower docked in America wrote a contract when the spirit of the creed, the spirit of the United States today is still the subject. Confucius propriety Yan Shun Today the whole of China is still the ruler of ethical conduc


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