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新西兰国际海鲜美食节启动仪式主持稿一、暖场10:25-10:30活动倒数 主持人幕后音预告活动即将开始,嘉宾就坐亲爱的各位来宾:Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:大家上午好!Good morning!欢迎大家莅临新西兰国际海鲜美食节启动仪式活动现场,我们的活动将在3分钟后正式开始,请各位来宾尽快就坐,并将手机调至震动或静音状态,感谢您们的莅临!(幕后,活动开始前3分钟)I would like to welcome you all to be here forthe New Zealand Seafood Exhibition, our event will commence three minutes later, please take your seat and turn your mobile phone to off or vibrate mode, your cooperation would be appreciated, and thanks again for your coming!尊敬的各位来宾们,我们的活动将在1分钟后正式开始,请大家不要在场内随意走动,请您将手机调为振动、静音状态,谢谢大家。(幕后,活动开始前1分钟)Ladies and gentlemen, our event will start soon, please do not walk around the event area and make sure your mobile phone to be off or vibrate mode, thank you!二、开场10:30-10:35主持人出场,介绍本次活动主题、主办方、出席重要来宾等信息。大家上午好!首先允许我做个自我介绍,我是今天的主持人XXX,在此,我谨代表深圳市NB实业有限公司向在座各位的到来表示热烈的欢迎以及诚挚的问候。Good morning everyone! First of all, please allow me to introduce myself, I’m the host/hostess XXX.On behalf of Shenzhen NB Industrial Co.,Ltd,I would like to give you a warm welcome and the sincere greetings.深圳市正NB业有限公司成立于2000年,以速冻海产品生产、加工、销售为核心业务。“NB”的成长与发展,使中国人享用到了更多来自世界各地优质、鲜活的海鲜。本次我们携手沃尔玛举办新西兰国际海鲜美食节,一是想通过沃尔玛全国销售网点,让更多的中国消费者认识和品尝到新鲜、健康、优质的新西兰海产;二是为了给新西兰海鲜品牌商们提供一个企业展示、产品促销与友好交流的互动平台。Established in 2000, Shenzhen NB Industrial Co.,Ltd specialize in sourcing, processing and selling frozen seafood. With the continuous development of the company, NB bring more high-quality and fresh seafood to Chinesemarketfrom all over the world. This time we’re together with Wal-Mart to hold the event with a view to acquainting a wide range of Chinese customers with New Zealand seafood by the Wal Mart network, and to provide the New Zealand seafood brand marketers with an interactive platform for presentation, promotion and communication of their products.现在,就让我们一起用热烈的掌声欢迎出席本次启动仪式的各位嘉宾,他们分别是:Now, Let’s welcome our special guests for the opening ceremony by a warm applause, they’re:新西兰贸易发展局华南区商务参赞Mr John CochraneMr John Cochrane counselor for South c


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