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第31 卷第8期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol131, No. 8
2 0 10 年 8 月 Journal of Northeastern U ni ersity( Natural Science) Aug. 2 0 1 0
栾国欣, 魏 颖, 薛定宇
( , 110004)
: ,
, ROI ;
ROI , ,
, ROI ; ,
, ;
, ,
: ; ; ; ;
: TP 391. 4 1 : A : 1005-3026( 20 10) 08- 1078-04
An Improved Algorithm Based on Boundary Normal Vector
Overlap for Suspected Pulmonary Nodule Extraction
L UAN Guo-xin, WEI Ying, X UE Ding-yu
( School of Information Science Engineering , Northeastern Uni ersity, Shenyang 110004, China.
Correspondent: LUA N Guo-x in, E-mail: luanguoxin @ 163. com)
Abstract: An impro ed boundary normal ector o erlap algorithm based on local shape constraint
and adapti ely defined normal ector magnitude is proposed to detect suspected pulmonary
nodules. The original region of interest( ROI) is segmented w ith adapti e thresholding method in
pulmonary parenchyma, then the local con ex-conca e shape feature is gained for e ery pixel of
initial ROI boundaries to satisfy the calculations of normal ector direction and adapti ely defined
normal ector magnitude of e ery con ex pixel on the initial ROI boundaries. O erlapping the
normal ectors, the locally maximum o erlap can be chosen so as to detect the suspected round
pulmonary nodules of different sizes. The restriction due to the local con ex-conca e shape feature
should be taken into account before o erlapping the normal ectors, thus simplifying the
calculation of o erlap. The adapti ely defined normal ector magnitude is a ailable to get rid of
the limitation of fixed-size nodules as the result of detection. Experiment resul
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